II - Level 3 - White Kitsune And The Warrior - II

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"Swim faster, Uki!" Alban yelled, "Those guards are closing in!"

"Oh shut up, I'm trying my darn best!" He shouted back. The two merman were being chased by a group of angry mer-guards, with their helmets down and spears out. Following behind them was the White Snake swimming at a scary speed, it's eyes only fixed on Uki and Alban. The purple-haired merman had to show Alban the directions to where the door back to the 1st chamber was. The current of the waves grew stronger and it took a significant amount of effort to swim. Looking behind, Uki saw the White Snake's huge jaw already inches away from crushing him completely. He yelped and darted away to the side instantly, the snake biting down and hissing in frustration. 

Two guards threw their spears in the direction of Alban and one of the weapons have unfortunately pierced through his tail fin. He cried out in pain as he turned around to glare at the guards, hoping that the wound will not hinder his swimming. 

"Don't get too close to the snake, Uki, it's going to eat you!" Alban warned the other mer as he swam. "What are you doing back there? "

"This snake is too fast!" Uki cried, ducking underneath the snake's head. With a painful scream, one of the guards had pierced Uki's tail with his spear and blood poured out like a stream. He thrashed and flailed in agony. He tried to take the spear out but it was already stabbed all the way through. The guard grabbed onto Uki and threw a nasty punch across his face. Alban turned to see Uki getting attacked and swam around immediately. The snake reared up it's mouth and shot out a jet of poison at him. Alban made a twirl to the right and barely managed to get grazed by the poison. He winced as he felt some parts of his scales were scorched away. With as much strength as possible, Alban pushed his way through the group of guards trying to hold him back and he lunged at the one that had attacked Uki. 

The guard with a silver tail was obviously much stronger and faster. He used his tail to slap Alban on the face and the force of it knocked him out cold. Uki gasped in horror, reaching out to the unconscious Alban but he was too weak to move. He was also locked into a tight chokehold as the guards threw hits and punches all over Uki's body, at his jaw and straight in the gut. It didn't take long before Uki, too, was beaten up badly. The guards grabbed onto their lifeless bodies and swam all the way down to the depths of the ocean where they were both sealed away in a prison, bound by highly enchanted locks. The snake was tasked to watch over the sleeping mermen as the guards swam away and no longer returned. 

-Meanwhile, in the 1st chamber....-

The sweet scent of flowers was the reason Sonny woke up, in a field of crimson spider lilies and pale white tulips. He was no longer in his mer form, nor was he laying alone in the dark ocean floor. He was, in fact, in a completely ordinary chamber filled with nothing but flowers. Up above was the endless sea of a bright blue sky, where clouds floated about peacefully and there were bright pink cherry blossom petals falling down like snowflakes from the sky. 'Was he dead?' is the question that came to his mind but at the same time, it felt like he was in a really calm and peaceful dream. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breath, letting his body be filled with the sweet alluring scent of flowers and also fresh air. He needed this - these moments of just nothing but peace and maybe, even freedom. 

Sonny slowly opened his eyes again, only to see someone up ahead. It was a woman with pale white hair and wore a black and red kimono. She also had a round hat on her head, and what seems to be fox ears as well. Who is that? Another enemy? He cautiously walked towards the woman, his feet brushing against the flowers and sending petals fluttering into the air around him, like a trail. The woman stood in front of him in silence, admiring a spider lily in her hand. He stopped just a few feet away, waiting patiently for something to happen. 

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