II - Level 1 - Where The Sun Doesn't Shine II

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-Player detected, chamber 1 activating- 

Everything around him came to life as soon as Sonny entered the arena. He looked around, feeling somewhat calm and a little hesitant at the same time. It feels cold and pretty unsettling. He stepped deeper into the arena, already mentally preparing himself to tackle anything that blocks his path. 

At first, Sonny wasn't all that bothered by the concept of this game. In fact, it somehow made him feel curious and scared at the same time which is a little weird to describe. Sonny was the type of person that doesn't normally get angry or scared that easily. Before he had entered the arena, he could already see Alban and Yugo getting teased at by the other members because they are literal scaredy cats. He chuckled at the funny thought as Sonny walked alone. 

But that was when he suddenly lost his footing and was plunged straight into an ocean of water. 

He suddenly choked on the water that filled his lungs and he flailed his arms desperately. I can't breathe! He internally panicked. What just bloody happened? Why am I underwater? It took one full minute for Sonny to finally stabilize and float perfectly. He still struggled for air but when he looked above, there was no surface for him to swim up. He was now trapped in a dark, limitless body of water. He felt intimidated, who knows what might suddenly attack him out of nowhere? He needs a weapon. Sonny fumbled around in his suit but he felt nothing. Anxiety gripped his stomach and he tried swimming upwards. The water was extremely cold and he shivered, freezing underneath the metal suit. Soon enough, the VSF commander came to realize that the more he swims or even moves, the further away he is dragged from the surface for air. He began to suffocate, his lungs screaming out to him. His mind turned fuzzy and his vision blurred. No, this can't be, am I gonna drown to death? He cried. What do I do? Help! With this arms trying to reach the surface and his legs pushing him upwards, every movement was already sapping the energy away from him by the second. All of a sudden, Sonny felt his lungs give out and everything turning dark. His unmoving body slowly sinking further and further down deeper into the never-ending ocean. 

Time passed and Sonny was still in a deep sleep. The water around him grew colder and colder, to the point where it was already at a negative. His body would never be able to withstand such a terrifying temperature, what with the deep sea pressure that's also affecting his body. Something flickered to light on Sonny's metal suit and the whole thing glitched, before morphing away into a completely different thing. As if it was being coded, the suit let out a hiss and released a pressure of smoke before it transformed Sonny's entire body. 

As it flickered away, Sonny's body started sprouting translucent white scales and his legs began to crack and shift painfully. The commander grunted in agony, snapping awake and having his screams drowned out by the salty water. His skin tore apart and tried to connect his two legs, as shiny white scales began covering every inch of his skin. Fins grew out of his elbows and down his spine, at the back of his ears and around his waist as well. Sonny began to flail around, losing his balance all of a sudden. He looked down and panicked to see that his suit was gone, only for him to be turned into a literal merman. His fingers were somehow elongated, with claws and webs in between the gaps of each of them. Out of the top of Sonny's head came long mandibles that looked as if he was suppose to resemble a manta ray. His tail was long and slender, but also strong and fit for high speed underwater travel. He then coughed and bubbles came out of his mouth, it seems that right where his ribs were, there were gills that helped Sonny breathe perfectly well underwater. He was so shocked and confused, trying to process what just happened. How and why the heck did he turn into a merman? What's the purpose of this? He tried to reason. Is this part of the challenge for me? 

 Sonny began to swim, using his tail muscles to push himself in the water. It was surprisingly easy and soon enough, Sonny got used to it and was now gliding like a professional. Well, I kinda like this. He continued to swim in the direction that led to the second chamber. He sighed, also realizing that he is unable to speak proper words underwater. Whenever he tried to exhale, his breath would only be seen as bubbles. Yeah, there's that. 

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