II - Twisted Games - II

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Scars that never heal, blood that never stops flowing. It was torture without end for him. Standing between the gap of both suffering and blissful harmony. For him. But to put it into words, it's unexplainable. 

His metal suit was badly damaged, torn apart and crumbling slowly. Deep wounds and scars littered his body as he hung suspended in the air. His eyes were bloodshot with dark circles under them and his hair drenched in red dripped blood down onto the floor below. Silence enveloped the chamber, with it's cold and haunting melody echoing in the freezing air. Those open scars, punctured holes and scratch marks were signs of Hex's evident struggle earlier that proved no success. To make things worse, he was strung up by millions and millions of spikey red tendrils protruding from behind, stabbing Hex all over his body painfully. They hooked themselves deep within him, sometimes impaling him right through. A huge puddle of blood had formed right beneath Hex's hanging feet, growing bigger with every drip. He could no longer think straight, his eyes having black spots flickering occasionally. Pain was all he could think of but it never came to him, those nerves inside his body going numb at last. But his head was constantly screaming at him to pry those thorns out and heal himself. But as Hex tried his best to move an inch, he instantly clenched hard onto his fists, desperately lamenting for freedom. 

How long has he been like this? How many lives does he have left now? How is he ever going to escape this? Hex could no longer weep that freely anymore for his emotions had gone radio silent, forcing him to have no choice but to remain as dead hopeless as a rotten piece of herb. Like a puppet waiting to be manipulated. There were no signs of his friends and Hex had no clue what happened. If only there was a way for him to die a little more easier than this, in a peaceful quiet bed back home and wake up to familiar sights of orange clouds and chirping birds. Where has his memories gone to? Are they still real at this point? 

More importantly, where exactly is he?

The chamber Hex was in wasn't exactly starch white and clean sheets. Instead, it had been transformed into a luxurious greenhouse, with tall and beautifully healthy green plants surrounding the area. Ranging from Evergreens to exotic flowers and fruit trees, these plants isn't just all that meets the eye. Glancing down, the roots of every single plant here have been hungrily feeding off of Hex's blood. The more he bled, the more they fed on it. Such sustenance have provided them all the nutrients and minerals required to survive even without sunlight inside the arena. Hex somehow knew that deep down, those plants were just obstacles of the challenge he was suppose to defeat. If something were to miraculously occur and Hex attempts to escape, things might get pretty nasty really fast. Slumbering trees waiting to strike and kill anything that moves. 

He let out a little whimper, every inch of him begging to just move. The sweat on his forehead, the bugging itch on his leg, his damp and messy hair annoying his eyes, his sore muscles.......those little annoyances was enough to drive him insane. Is this suppose to be a game of patience and endurance? To see how much pain he was able to endure before he dies? He definitely wasn't planning on going down in such a pitiful manner, not when his friends are still out there. If this was just a game, he was going to beat it. 

Balling his fists up, Hex took a deep breathe and braced himself for a wave of terror. Without another second to waste, he began to pull against the restraints with all the strength he had. 

And screamed. 


"Where are they now?" Ver asked the stranger. The other person strode over to where Ver was sitting and held up their arm, tapping away at some buttons. A huge holographic screen came to life, glowing brightly inside the dark room. Several tabs were open with information written all over in tight spaces. Ver craned his neck up to take a look, spotting a few pictures of the players from Iluna. 

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