II - Level 4 - Maze II

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To think that I actually died.....Shu grumbled to himself as he was respawned all the way back at Chamber 2 and he had to walk back to where his friends were. He then changed his mind and began straight on running. The Sentinels still need to be dealt with and he can't afford to let his two friends be left alone with those nightmarish monsters. The thought of him suffering from the screaming bells made his stomach twist sickeningly. He ran as fast as he could, trying to navigate the arena and back to Chamber 3. 

Up above, the chamber lights flickered again but Shu decided to ignore it and kept running. There's another monster in Chamber 2 but he does not have the patience to fight another one right now. Shu was too nervous to even turn around to look behind him, in case he get horribly jump scared and he dies of shock. Just then, the whole chamber began to shake violently as if there was an earthquake. It threw Shu off balance and he fell down. As he tried to stay low on the ground, the trembling began to cause massive cracks on the ground to open. The sorcerer instantly stood back up again, looking around to see that the chamber floor is literally splitting itself apart in dozens of cracks. The gap between the cracks increased in size, and Shu had to make sure he doesn't accidentally fall right down into the deep, dark abyss. Out of the cracks, gargantuan walls slowly emerged all over the place in intricate patterns. They were made out of the thickest concrete Shu has ever seen, it's surfaces were old and covered in dangling ivy. Shu made a sound of disbelief and also shock when he realized that this was, in fact, a maze. The biggest one he's ever seen, and his first time at that.

As he was still gaping at the walls in front of him, Shu didn't notice Mysta creeping up behind him and then yelling, "SHU!" The other player cried out and got jump scared by Mysta. The player with soft greyish brown hair began to laugh but he soon became sober when he noticed how scared Shu's face looked. "Woah, you alright there? I thought that was you. The chamber started to shake and I thought maybe another player has entered as well, I didn't know you'd be here." 

"What's going on, Mysta? Is this your first boss then? You don't look scared or anything." Shu pointed out. "If that's the case then we have to quickly solve this maze and get back to Luca and Ike. They're in deep trouble right now!" 

"What do you mean in trouble?" Mysta asked, tilting his eyebrows in curiosity.

Shu only disregarded his question and turned to look at the maze. "There's no time for an explanation, let's get through this scary maze and I'll tell you everything." 

 As Shu and Mysta slowly entered the maze, the detective then asked again, "Are you sure you know how to get out of a maze though? What if there are monsters and riddles that we have to solve? What if the walls end up changing like that one movie? Have you watched it?" 

Shu answered, "Now's not the time for that, just stay close to me and don't wander off. "

Entering the maze, the two players had no idea what to expect. What might come their way, what monster they will encounter or what accidents that might occur. Neither of them had to solve the mystery of the maze ever in their whole lives. How did they actually end up here was still a total peculiarity. They had no memory of what happened before everything led to this. What were they doing? What exactly did they do to be teleported here? Also, how is it that they have no memories of their previous lives at all? Mysta then thought about the mysterious game master, a strange humanoid being that has an A.I intelligence that far surpasses that of basic technological human creations. The game master, that's what the players call them. The only thing Mysta could remember was breathing in a really foul scent of metal and cooper combined. The next thing that happened was being trapped in a suffocating chokehold before he lost consciousness and woke up here, along with his other friends. But how? Why them? Are there other people that have been here before? Thinking back to the rules, it seems highly plausible. But still, it doesn't add up as to how this huge game arena is capable of spawning the most terrifying monsters ever. This is all just a huge game, nothing but a fucking simulation for entertainment. Mysta thought to himself as he followed behind Shu. 

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