II - Special Story -What Corruption Can Do - II

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"Welcome to the Game Arena," The A.I greeted Asher flatly. "Please be patient, the challenge will begin soon." 

It was creepy enough for him as the red-haired player stepped forward, away from the smooth metal platform. Darkness enveloped the empty hall, all but a huge door that stood up ahead. As it slid open and allowed Asher to pass through it, he could only find himself in yet another extremely wide and spacious Arena, pure white and eerie. There were no furniture in sight, much less a wall for him to hide behind when the need arises. Nothing much to look at but Asher clenched his fists tightly, his footsteps slow and cautious. 

For the past few weeks, he has been getting restless at Cherlynn's mysterious disappearance. What happened to her? How did she managed to get lost inside a shopping mall? Asher was suspicious but before he could even make a police report, he has been weirdly transported into the Arena with most of his memories wiped clean. Dressed in a simple black metal suit and a holographic screen covered half of his face that displayed a series of codes and numbers, Asher scanned the area for even the slightest hint of danger. As time stretched by, the player was beginning to realize just how stupid he must look, waiting for enemies to jump out like an idiot. Surprisingly enough, Asher's poor memory only served to have him forget just what the rules had warned him regarding the Arena. 

He removed his helmet and carried it by his side as he walked. It was then when he began to pick up on a particularly nasty scent - a mixture of foul chemicals and rotting corpses. He gagged and slammed a hand to his mouth and nose, failing to block out such a nauseous stench. Asher's stomach began to churn sickeningly within him as he wore the helmet back on. Unfortunately, even that device alone wasn't really helping at all as he coughed and began to gag furiously. The player doubled over, squeezing his mouth shut while the other hand clutched his stomach in an attempt to hold back a wave of vomit. Is this suppose to be my challenge? He internally cried. Asher's mind started to spin and fade, threatening him to near unconsciousness. The player instantly took off running mindlessly, stumbling and tripping on his now weakened legs. Struggling to escape this chamber level, Asher could only make out the blurred vision of the door at the far end. With cold sweat and a bleeding nose, Asher never made it to the door as he dropped down to the ground, convulsing severely in an unexpected seizure, streams of drool and vomit eventually pooling out of his opened mouth. 

Watching him, the Game Master frowned disapprovingly, "Disgusting....." Shotou smirked at such a statement as he shook his head mockingly at Asher's sorry form. 

Before Asher was granted the luxury of a quick death, the next thing that happened was the ground underneath him starting to shift and morph. As the player groaned and squirmed to get back up again, wobbling like a zombie, his hands plunged down onto thickened liquid that was muddy and horribly sticky. Blinking in confusion, Asher tried to pull his hand back up again yet it remained arrogantly attached inside. It didn't take long for him to realize that the entire Arena has transformed into a literal sinkhole, acidic liquids starting to eat and tear away at his skin. 

Asher screamed and shrieked in agony, the sensation of having chainsaws and vicious knives brutally sawing away at skin and bones as if they were nothing but paper. He kicked and struggled but that only served to intensify the flow of acid that was slowly rising up towards his arms and waist. Asher felt the liquid chew its way through his chest, spilling blood and exposing his internal organs. Blood and tears streamed out of his eyes and mouth, choking and sputtering back on his screams. Flesh-eating acid entered Asher's bloodstreams, taking over his nerves. Unable to move his own body, the player's body turned numb and paralyzed with utter fear and intense shock. Shotou sneered in amusement, never missing a thing. With a flick of his hand, the ocean of acid instantly flickered away and Asher's gruesomely distorted body were at full display. 

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