II - Exodus - II

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  Ver had spent the next few hours sleeping. It surprised him, being granted such a luxury in a place so cruelly evil. Having his energy fully recharged, he then woke up. The others were still knocked out cold while Aver was nowhere to be seen. His mind was still groggy. Rubbing his sore eyes, Ver sat up from his position on the floor with a tired groan. He got up and quietly exited the room, trying not to wake anyone up. 

Inside the first chamber, Ver found Aver in the distance, standing alone. Up until this moment, Ver had always been curious about them. Just where exactly did they come from and how they were able to know where Ver was in the first place. Who told them? Aver was an enigma; with no particular background or even a real name to hold. As far as he could tell, Aver also seemed incredibly experienced, knowing the ins and outs of the Arena as well as anyone. Due to his suspicions, Ver wondered if Aver had been acting as the Game Master's mole. Then again, they have already come this far together. What's their real motive, really? What are they doing here with us? 

Ver knew it was wrong to doubt the connection they have. Seeing the things Aver has done for him and his friends, there really is no room for second thoughts at all. Trying to accuse someone of a mistake they did not do appeared not just wrong and impolite in Ver's eyes, but also highly inappropriate and inhumane. For now, Ver could only trust his instincts and see what happens next. 

Right now, there was something he planned to do. Looking down on the glowing lights inside his hand, Ver then thought if Aver might know a thing or two regarding this strange anomaly. He strolled up to the other person. "Hey." 

Turning around at the sound of Ver's greeting, the other player responded happily. "Oh, you're awake. Did you rest well back there? You were out like a switch." 

Chuckling awkwardly, Ver averted his eyes to look elsewhere, flushed. "Ah well, things have been chaotic, you know. I'm not exactly a god or anything, our bodies tire out too. "

Aver let out a cheerful beam, amused. "Come on, that is true! I was just joking. What are you doing right now? The others haven't woken up yet and we will not be leaving until everyone's prepared. "

Ver lifted his hand up. "Do you happen to know what this is?" Showing Aver the lights inside his hand, explaining everything that happened back when the both of them had first hid inside the room. It had created such a devastating blow, half of the room now looks almost as if it had been demolished by a huge machine. Aver listened attentively, catching Ver's every word. 

"Unfortunately, my suit doesn't really have that sort of capability. It's a little behind on the upgrades." Aver replied, looking downturned. "So there's really not much I can provide you with to satisfy your curiosity. But you're right, they do look weird. "

"Maybe these are where my powers are stored. Here, let me demonstrate it for you." Stepping past Aver to the very center of the chamber, the huge open space gave Ver plenty of room to experiment his theory. Facing the other side, Ver made a solid stance with his body. With his knees bent for stable support, he then lifted his hands up and swung to the front with tremendous force. As if by magic, a huge explosion of crimson flames shot out of Ver's hands and hurtled straight towards the other wall. It traveled at light speed and destroyed a massive chunk of the white concrete. Rocks and debris scattered all over, spiraling down onto the ground. Behind Ver, the stranger stared in amazement with gaping jaws and eyes as wide as a goldfish. 

"See that?" Ver mused, turning to look at Aver with an excited expression, as if that of a child. "IT WAS SUPER AWESOME!" He almost bounced on his own two feet, barely containing his emotions of thrill. 

"You've got one hell of an asset there, I'll give you that." Aver complimented with sincerity. "Who knew you actually had it in you, eh? Guess you can finally act as a shield to protect your friends now. We're gonna need that while traveling to Aurora." 

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