Chapter Four

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(*After an hour, everyone was able to find a way to get the host out of the bathroom, and they had to call some professionals to help them out*)

Me: 😮‍💨 Whew! I am SO glad to be outta that bathroom.

Vinnie: *hugs me closer to him* I'm glad you're safe, Emily.

Anubis: Momma! *reaches his hands up* Upie!

Me: Hey there Anubis! *happily picks up Anubis and sits him down on my lap* Momma isn't going in that bathroom no more until we get a new door. And that way, no one else will get themselves stuck! *giggles*

Paul: *smiles* Yes, I think we should definitely get a new door for that bathroom.

Gene: You and I should go to that big furniture in the city and look for one.

Paul: 🙂 Good idea, Gene.

(*So, the Demon and the Starchild go to their bedrooms to get themselves ready and when they've finished getting dressed, they both disappear in a purple and red aurora that represents their KISSterian powers*)

Anubis: *watches Gene and Paul disappear with amazement* Paulie! Gene!

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Yes, that's right Anubis.

Me: Anyway, let's continue to do what we came here to do! We've got one for Suzy, and she has to give the Fox a girly makeup. *giggles*

Suzy: Ooh la la...come and get your makeup done, my foxy little bandit!

Eric Carr: Oh heck no! I ain't gettin' a makeover like the girls do!

Me: Come it for the KISS army!

Eric Carr: *pouts cutely* Nuh uh!

Suzy: *gets out her makeup kit* Pretty please, my handsome drummer? *gives the Fox the puppy-dog eyes*

Eric Carr: *looks away and continues to pout*

Anubis: *walks over the Fox and gives a gentle tug to his pants* Pweeese Foxy?

Eric Carr: *looks over at Anubis and sighs while chuckling* Alright, let's get this over with.

Anubis: Yay! *hugs the Fox and then climbs up into a chair so he can watch*

Suzy: *giggles* I promise I won't use too much of the darker colors, and it'll just be lighter shades of makeup.

Eric Carr: *had his eyes and mouth closed* Mmmm kay'...

Anubis: *looks at Vinnie and then gets an idea* Dada!

Vinnie: *is sitting on the couch while reading a book about snakes* Hmm?

Anubis: *climbs down off the seat and grabs a few things of Suzy's makeup and brings them over to Vinnie, holding them up for him to see*

Vinnie: Um...😅 I think you should let your mother handle that.

Me: If I let you pick the color, will you let me put makeup on your Daddy?

Anubis: Uh Huh! 😀

Me: Okay! Here I come. *grabs a seat and places it front of Vinnie and then sits down*

Vinnie: *closes his eyes so the makeup doesn't get inside them*

Anubis: *points to a makeup brush and a thing of dark pink blush*

Me: Aww! This is gonna look so adorable on you Vinnie. *carefully puts the dark pink blush on Vinnie's cheeks*

Anubis: *giggles* 😆

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