Chapter Twenty-One

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(*A few days later, something strange and mysterious began to happen*)

(*It was an evil clone of the Fox and the Ankh Warrior, and they had kidnapped the real Eric Carr and Vinnie Vincent*)

Me: *is watching Anubis, Gia, Kara, Keaton, and Kovu play together with their toys*)

Suzy: So, how's life with a second baby with the great Ankh Warrior? 😉

Me: *giggles while blushing slightly* It's been wonderful. Vinnie is a good father to Anubis, and he loves to spend quality time with me. He even told me on the first night after we brought Baby Anansi home from the hospital that he was thinking about teaching the kids all about playing a v-shaped guitar when they're old enough.

Suzy: Aw! That'll be so adorable! And maybe, my foxy boi can teach our kids all about playing the drums. When they're old enough, of course.

(*Just then, Anubis's blue-violet colored aurora from his Kissterian powers began to glow*)

Anubis: Momma?

Me: What is it, Anubis?

Anubis: *points to his right shoulder where his Kissterian powers are glowing*

Vinnie: (Evil clone) Heeyyy Baaaaby. How's it going?

Anubis: *gasps and goes to hide underneath a blanket*

Me: *is beyond confused* Um...Vinnie? Are you feeling okay?

Vinnie: (Evil clone) Well, of course I'm okkkaaay. Why wouldn't I beee?

Eric Carr: (Evil clone) Ohhh yeaaaah, look who's here. *rubs his body against Suzy*

Suzy: Eric, something's not right. Are you high?

Eric Carr: (Evil clone) think I'm hhiiiiggggh???? Wellll, what do yoooouuu think?

Me: *can sense that something evil is happening right now* *whispers* Suzy, this isn't like our mates to be acting weird.

Suzy: *whispers back* I know, right? We better call the other guys over here.

(*After the host was somehow able to send the Starchild a message through the eye...*)

(*Mwanwhile, at the recording studio...*)

Paul: *the black star on his left eye begins to glow a purple color* Guys, we've got trouble.

Demon: What is it?

Eric Singer: *his light-green Kissterian powers began to glow* I can feel something.

Tommy: *his dark blue Kissterian powers began to glow as well* Yeah, me too.

Paul: *leads everyone to the front door of the recording studio* Let's go!

(*And so, the present-day KISS guys make a huge run for the spare building*)

(*Back with Emily and Suzy...*)

Me: *is trying to breast-feed Baby Anansi*

Vinnie: *is trying to get me to have s*x with him*

Me: Vinnie, please don't do that. I'm trying to feed Anansi.

Vinnie: Ohhh come onnn sweetheart. Can't you just—-

(*Just then, the front door to the spare building and in cane the present-day KISS guys*)

Paul: Hey you! *glares at the evil clone version of the Ankh Warrior* 😠 Back away from our friend!

Eric Singer: *switches to his animal form, hissing and arching his back to make himself look as scary and more bigger as possible* 😾 (Meow!) (Yeah!) (What he said!)

Demon: *can hear muffled screaming coming from the closet, and goes to investigate* What the hell?! Why are Vinnie and the Fox tied up in here?

Me: Wait...WHAT?! 😱

Vinnie: *mumbles as his mouth is covered with a cloth*

Eric Carr: *can sense that his vixen is in danger by using sense of smell*

Demon: *quickly frees the Fox and the Ankh Warrior*

Vinnie: What in name of Anubis is going on here?!

Eric Carr: *can feel his protective instincts kicking in, and quickly switches to his fox form*

Demon: We think that an evil clone of you two is trying to manipulate Suzy and Emily.

Vinnie: WHAT?! 😱😨

Eric Carr: *yips in alert* (Oh no!) (Our evil clones are preying on our mates, Vinnie!) (We  have to stop them!)

Demon: Right you are Fox!

Vinnie: *his eyes are glowing a golden color as he proceeded to go and confront his evil clone*

(*Meanwhile, with Suzy and the host...*)

Me: *glares at the evil of Vinnie Vincent* You're not the Ankh Warrior! 😠

Suzy: *glares at the evil of Eric Carr* And you're not my foxy! 😠

Vinnie: (Evil clone) And what makes you think that, pretty girl?

Me: My Vinnie would never act like that. He's a kind person with a great talent and a good personality.

Eric Carr: (Evil clone) Mmmm....such a delicate creature you are. *licks Suzy's cheek*

Suzy: Stop touching me, you creep!

Tommy: *his eyes are glowing a dark blue color* Get off of her right now, you evil clone! *throws a bolt of lightning at the Eric Carr evil clone*

Eric Carr: (Evil clone) *shows it's true form and turns itself into a cloud of darkness and* You ignorant fool!

Me: Anubis, take your baby sister to our bedroom and hide there until we call you. Hurry!

Anubis: Okie momma! *takes a blanket and wraps it around Baby Anansi, bundling her up and then begins carrying her to the Egyptian bedroom*

Vinnie: *teleports himself to living room, and proceeds to attack his evil clone* STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU F*CKING MONSTER! 😡

Vinnie: (Evil clone) So, you think you can defeat me, huh?! Well, let's kick it up a notch! *traps the Ankh Warrior in a giant hour glass*

Me: Oh Crap! 😱

Vinnie: WTF?! Let me out! *bangs on the hourglass*

Paul: Be gone you freak! *shoots purple stars out of the black star on his left eye*

Eric Singer: *snarls and fiercely swipes his light green colored cat claws at the evil clone of Eric Carr* RAAAAAWWWWWWRRRR! 😾

Me: *tries to switch to my Teke Teke form, but fails as the evil clone of the Ankh Warrior pushes me backwards, causing me to land on the kitchen floor* OUCH! That hurt! 😖

Vinnie: *finds a way to escape the giant hour glass and breaks it open, spilling out the all the sand*

Demon: *does some kind of fire-breathing trick and almost destroys the evil clone of Eric Carr* GODDAMN IT! I WAS SO CLOSE! 😤

Eric Carr: (Evil clone) *cackles evilly*

Will the evil clones of both the Fox and the Ankh Warrior be defeated for good?

Stay tuned to find out...! ➡️➡️➡️

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