Chapter Eleven

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(*After Vixen91 went with Tommy to visit his family in Oregon, Eli went with Peter to go see the original Catman's family in Brooklyn, New York*)

(*Now, the king of pop and the kids were all waiting for the girls and their boyfriends to return to the spare building*)

Michael Jackson: *looks at his watch and then smiles* Let's go to the kitchen and have lunch, okay chewdren?

Anubis: Okie Appahead! (Translation: Okay Applehead!)

(*After Michael and the kids ate their lunch...*)

Me: We're almost there!

Suzy: I can't believe that we're finally coming home.

Eli: This trip was the cat's meow! 😸

KellerSinger18: I had fun visiting our boyfriend's families, did any of you guys have fun?

Vinnie: Yes, I had a good time. What about you Emily?

Me: *giggles* It was really fun getting to meet your momma and daddy. They're such good people. I can tell that they raised you like a true gentleman.

Vinnie: Aww. *blushes slightly* ☺️

Eric Singer: I had a great time with you, kitten. *kisses KellerSinger18 on the cheek*

Peter: Me and Eli had fun with my family. We even got to go out and see all the places I used to hang out in when I was growing up.

Eric Carr: I took Suzy to see the ole' garage where I used to work on gas ranges before I joined KISS.

Suzy: And what a talented man my foxy boi was indeed. 😉

Eric Carr: *chuckles while blushing sheepishly* Hehe, I sure am.

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