Chapter Sixteen

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(*Two hours later...*)

(*Four teenage girls are walking home from school*)

Me: *can sense what that the girls are saying, and then quickly switches to my Teke Teke form*

Vinnie: Not again...😖

Anubis: *watches me crawl away from the spare building, and then goes after me*

Vinnie: Oh God no!

Suzy: Anubis! Come back here.

Eric Carr: *opens the door and goes after Anubis* It's dangerous out there!

Anubis: Momma! *is still running after me* 😀

Vinnie: Paul, we have to go after him!

(*Paul Stanley switches to his Kissterian form, and then the other KISS guys do the same*)

Paul: Let's go! *leads everyone and the girls out the front door*

(*Meanwhile...with the Teke Teke...*)

Teke-Teke: *crawls over to the bypass that's near the train yard, and looks for an unsuspecting target*

Teenage girls: *all walk across the bypass leading to the train yard*

Teke-Teke: *sees that the teenage girls are all wearing red neck-ties, and begins to stalk them*

Teenage girl: #1: What's that noise?

Teke-Teke: *waits patiently for the right moment to strike*

Anubis: *watches me curiously, not knowing about the danger*

(*Back with the KISS guys...*)

Eric Carr: *is in his fox form sniffing for Anubis's trail, and then yips excitedly to get Vinnie's attention*

Vinnie: Did you find him, Eric?

Eric Carr: *nods his head while panting like a fox would do*

Bruce: *sees Anubis about to witness something horrifying, and barks to get his attention* (Woof!) (Woof!) (Anubis, come here please!)

Anubis: *is too distracted as he wants to see what I'm about to do*

Teke-Teke: *crawls quickly towards the teenage girls*

Teenage girls: *two of them scream bloody murder as they are sliced in half by the lower torso*

(*The remaining teenage girls try to run away and escape their fate, but they are not fast enough, and Teke-Teke cuts them both in half*)


(*The Ankh Warrior quickly teleports using his Kissterian powers in a golden aurora to save Anubis*)

Gene: This isn't good.

Vixen91: Be careful Vinnie!

Vinnie: *appears in the area where the gruesome murders had happened, and looks around desperately for Anubis* 😨

Anubis: *wanders around for a little bit longer and then sees me propped up on a window that was in an abandoned train station* Momma?

Anubis: *wanders around for a little bit longer and then sees me propped up on a window that was in an abandoned train station* Momma?

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Vinnie: *is freaking out like crazy as he sees that Anubis is covered in blood*

Teke-Teke: *stares at Anubis for a short moment, and then quickly jumps off*

Teke-Teke: *stares at Anubis for a short moment, and then quickly jumps off*

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Vinnie: Anubis!

Anubis: Daddy?! *runs to Vinnie and hugs him*

Vinnie: *looks up at Teke-Teke before holding Anubis close to him and teleporting back to the spare building*

Paul: *receives a message from the future* Guys, Vinnie and Anubis are already on their way back.

Tommy: Then, we better get going before we're all—-

Ace: ACK! She's coming! 😱 *can see Teke-Teke crawling towards the other KISS guys*

Eric Singer: Ace, get us out of here!

(*Ace points his thumb backwards and teleports himself and the other KISS guys back to the spare building in a light-blue aurora*)

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