Chapter Thirty-Four

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Me: *comes in with gaming consoles, head gear, and game controllers* Ohhh boys??

All nine of the KISS guys: Hi Emily!

Paul: *is starting to freak out* Oh Crud...we're doing the final dare, aren't we?

Me: *giggles* Yes you are. I am daring the Fox, the Starchild, the Demon, and the Ankh Warrior to play a game called...*takes out a flashlight and shines it underneath my chin*....Phasmophobia. 👹

Gene: what is the game all about?

Vinnie: I'm not liking this....

Me: The object of the game is simple. Your task is to play as a team of four paranormal investigators and go to each location to prove that it is haunted by a ghost.

Eric Carr: Cool! This should be a fun game to play. Come on Vinnie, man. You're on my team.

Vinnie: Alright, fine. But if I get really scared, I'm not going to be happy with any of you.

Me: *grins and hugs Vinnie* That's the talented Ankh Warrior we know and love! 😃

Vinnie: *slightly blushes* 😊

Paul: I guess we should get everything set up.

Gene: Yeah. I think so too.

(*After Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Eric Carr, and Vinnie Vincent get their gaming gear set up...*)

Me: So, for this game, you have to watch your sanity level, and if it goes all the way to 0%, then that means you're dead. Each team member has their own thing to do, like one person who has the journal will record the evidence at the location, one person will set up the camera and the tripod, and another person does the EVP sessions, and another person has the ghost box. And also, another person gets to let everyone else know how cold it is the most in a certain room of the location, because a ghost will have a chance of appearing when it's colder.

(*The Demon, the Starchild, the Fox, and the Ankh Warrior all put on their headphones that have the microphone*)

Eric Carr: Cool, you guys ready for this?

Gene, Paul, and Vinnie: Yeah!

Me: Okay! Let's go!

(*The game Phasmophobia pops up on the screen*)

Paul: Wow! We've got our own truck, too.

Gene: *moves his character and picks up a flashlight* Who's got the journal?

Vinnie: I do. *clicks on the journal to pick it up and looks inside*

Paul: At least we have our own flashlight, but they're not very bright.

Eric Carr: Yeah. *turns on his flashlight*

Vinnie: *opens the sliding door on the truck by making his character press a button*

Paul: *looks around while following the other players into the haunted building* Okay, so the ghost's name is Jennifer White. Vinnie, you have the crucifix right?

Vinnie: Yes, just in case.

Gene: *sets up the camera and the tripod*

Eric Carr: *moves his character into the basement and finds the fuse box* Guys, I found  the fuse box just in case the ghost makes all lights go off.

(*Suddenly, all the lights go off*)

Gene: *sighs* Just great.

Paul: Can you turn the lights back on, Eric?

Eric Carr: Sure thing, Paul. *makes his character turn the fuse box back on, and all the lights return*

Vinnie: *adds some evidence of lights going off into the journal* I've got that down.

Paul: *holds up the EVP device and notices that the temperature in the master bedroom is getting colder* Oh my God!

Gene: *speaks into the microphone* What is it Paul?

Paul: *also speaks into microphone* The temperature is freezing down here.

Vinnie: Where are you?

Paul: I'm in the master bedroom. It's already -10 degrees in here.

(*Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, and Gene Simmons move their characters to the master bedroom*)

Paul: Guys, I don't know about you, but I can see a handprint on the wall over there.

Gene: That's creepy...*uses the digital camera and snaps a picture of the ghostly handprints.

Vinnie: *is cursing in hieroglyphics* My flashlight isn't working.

Eric Carr: I brought some extra batteries just in case. *gives Vinnie the extra batteries*

Vinnie: *smiles* Thank you. *takes the extra batteries from the Fox and replaces the old ones for the new ones in his flashlight, and it works well*

(*Suddenly, Paul becomes startled when a shadow figure walks past them*)

Paul: What in the name of KISSteria was that?!

Gene: I think it was a demonic entity.

Vinnie:  I just added "ghost fingerprints" as evidence in the journal.

Eric Carr: *is feeling a little bit uneasy* That's great Vinnie, man. But something isn't right about this place.

Gene: What the hell is that?!

Vinnie, Paul, and Eric Carr: WHAT?!

(*Standing nearby next to a window is a ghostly figure of a woman*)

Vinnie: Gene! Take a picture of the ghost!

Paul: Yeah! What Vinnie said.

Gene: *quickly takes out the digital camera and snaps a picture of the ghost*

Eric Carr: *his flashlight starts flashing* Um...guys? LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!

(*Gene, Paul, Vinnie, and Eric Carr all make a run for the front door, but somehow the door wouldn't open*)

Gene: Sh*t! The door is jammed!

Vinnie: OH NO! She's coming! *holds up the crucifix to keep the ghost away*

Paul: *kicks at the door until it finally gets unstuck* Let's go!

(*As soon as they are out of the house, the scary stuff stops happening*)

Vinnie: *groans as he moves his character to the truck* I am never doing that again.

Paul: I think I've had enough of ghost hunting for one night.

Eric Carr: Me too.

(*After they arrive back where they started, there is a white board on the screen that is showing them how much money they earned as a reward for completing the ghost hunt*)

Eric Carr: Wow! Look how much money we earned.

Paul: *smiles* $180.00.

Vinnie: That's some nice genorosity right there.

Gene: I'll save the game so we won't loose our progress.

(*Gene Simmmons saves the game*)

Vinnie: Okay, I'm done with this game. *takes off his headphones* I'm going to bed.

Paul: *yawns and stretches out his arms* Me too.

Eric Carr: Same here.

Gene: Goodnight everyone.

Vinnie, Paul, and Eric Carr: Goodnight Gene.

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