Chapter Thirty-One

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(*Meanwhile, at the hospital...*)

Tommy: *is waiting anxiously outside the X-ray room for his spacequeen's results*

(*Fifteen minutes later, a doctor steps out to speak Tommy Thayer*)

Doctor: Hello, Mr. Thayer. *smiles*

Tommy: Hey, thanks for the help. 😒

Doctor: I understand that you're really concerned about her.

Tommy: Thank you for that. But is she gonna be okay, Doctor?

Doctor: Well, according to her results, there were no broken bones on her skull, which thankfully means that her brain did not get damaged by the falling tree branch. Just make sure that she takes it easy, drinks plenty of water, and gets plenty of rest.

Tommy: *lets out a sigh of relief* Oh, thank God.

Doctor: Have a nice day sir.

(*A nurse brings Vixen91 in a wheelchair*)

Vixen91: *looks up at her space king* H-hey...🤕

Tommy: *smiles* I'll carry you out to the limo, don't worry my spacequeen.

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