Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(*Vixen91 was outside playing with Casper, her pet white wolf, Cinnamon, the host's tortishell cat, and Dixie the fox when all of a sudden, a tree branch on some random tree broke loose and feel onto Vixen91's head, knocking her out*)

Cinnamon the cat: Meow! (Oh no!)

Casper the white wolf: *whimpers sadly and gently nudges Vixen91's cheek with his nose*

Dixie the fox: *yips* (We must go and get the others!)

Cinnamon the cat: Meow! (Good idea Dixie!) (Casper, you stay here with Vixen91 while me and Dixie go and retrieve the girls and the nine KISS guys)

Casper the white wolf: *nods his head while whimpering and then curls up next to Vixen91 to protect her*

(*A little longer than a few minutes later...*)

Me: *is talking to Suzy, Eli, and KellerSinger18* Yeah! And then it's like—

Dixie the fox: *crawls through the doggie door yipping for Tommy* (Where is that spaceman when you really need him?)

Me: Huh?!

Cinnamon the cat: Meow! *jumps out of an open window and then rushes over towards me and the girls* (Emily!) (We need help!)

Suzy: Hi Cinnamon!

Me: Hey Cinnamon. What's the matter?

KellerSinger18: Hey, Emily. I think she's trying tell us something.

Cinnamon the cat: *walks away a few feet away from me and continues to meow constantly*

Me: *stands up* Okay, I'll follow you. *follows my tortishell cat Cinnamon out the back door*

(*Meanwhile, with Dixie the fox...*)

Tommy: H-hey! *is trying to keep Dixie the fox from ruining his KISS Spaceman costume* What's gotten into you, Dixie?

Paul: She's acting so strange right now—hey! *gently pushes Dixie away as she had tried to tug on his hair*

Eric Singer: *watches how Dixie the fox is standing on her hind legs while putting her front paws on the front door of Casablanca Records* Hmm...🤔

Dixie the fox: *yips and moves her tiny fox paws all over the door*

(*Suddenly, the Starchild's black star on his left eye begins to glow a purple color*)

Paul: Guys, I just received a message from the future!

Gene: What's it trying to say?

Paul: It's Michelle. She's in pain right now.

Tommy: WHAT?!!! Are you serious?

Paul: Yes, I am Tommy.

Eric Singer: Then, we better go and see what's up.

(*So, the four present-day KISS guys all teleport back to the spare building using their KISSterian powers*)

(*Back at the spare building...*)

Casper the white wolf: *whimpers as he is trying to get Vixen91 to wake up, but she is still knocked out from the tree branch falling onto her head*

Me: *follows Cinnamon to the backyard and then sees Vixen91 lying on the ground* OH SH*T! 😱

Cinnamon the cat: Meow! (Over here Emily!)

(*Then, out of nowhere, the four present-day KISS guys arrive back at the spare building*)

Paul: *sends a message to Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, Suzy, Eli, and KellerSinger18 through the eye*

Eric Carr: *is changing Baby Erica's diaper when his KISSterian symbol begins to glow an orange color* Oh no! Michelle is in trouble!

Vinnie: *was walking down the hall near the Fox and Suzy's bedroom when heard what Eric Carr had just said* Oh God no! Let's go and see if she's alright.

Eli: *runs in in with Peter, Keaton, Kovu, and Kara* Wait for us!

Bruce: *also runs in* Count me in!

KellerSinger18: Me too!

Suzy: Same here!

(*When the Ankh Warrior sees that everyone else is standing next to him, he uses his KISSterian powers to teleport himself and everyone else to the backyard where Vixen91 had gotten herself injured, and they all disappear in a golden-colored aurora*)


Will Vixen91 be alright...?

Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter...➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

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