Chapter Five

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Me: Okay guys! Us girls who are in relationships are going to dare our boyfriends to take them to their houses to meet their families.

Eric Carr: Ooh! A road-trip back to my hometown in Brooklyn New York.

Peter: Same here with me and Eli! 😸

Vinnie: And I'm taking Emily to visit my family in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Me: YES! This will be so much fun!

Paul: We should totally do this in California for your family, Michael. 😃

Michael Jackson: Yes! I think that's a great idea! I'll just have to check with my family and see if they're busy or not.

Eric Singer: My family is from Cleveland, and they're going to be so excited to finally meet you, kitten.

KellerSinger18: *giggles* Yes! I'm so excited! 😁

Tommy: And my family is in Portland, Oregon. They'll be happy to meet you, my space queen. 😘

Me: Well everyone. Let's get packing! And you're babysitting the children Applehead.

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Yay! I love the chewdren.

(*The next day...*)

Me: Okay, Anubis. Be good for Applehead. Daddy and I have to head to the airport so we can catch our flight.

Anubis: Okie! *gives me and Vinnie love and kisses*

KellerSinger18: Oh, thank you for babysitting Gia for us, Michael. You're a real hero! *gives MJ a hug*

Michael Jackson: *smiles* Your welcome KellerSinger18.

Suzy: Eric! We gotta go! *has her suitcases packed and ready*

Eric Carr: I'm coming! I had to grab our COVID-19 masks in case they make us wear them for our protection. *has two cute fox-themed masks*

Eric Singer: Are you ready to go now, kitten?

KellerSinger18: Yes. I'm ready, bye bye Gia. Be good for Mommy and Daddy.

Gia: Buh-bye!

(*And so, the girls leave with their mates to meet their families, while Michael Jackson the king of pop is babysitting the kids*)

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