Chapter Thirteen

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Paul: *grins his famous Starchild grin* Hey! How's it going Emily?

Me: Just as fine as can be. Me and the girls had fun visiting the families of our boyfriends.

Vinnie: The weather was perfect.

KellerSinger18: And there was no shenanigans whatsoever.

Me: Well, I had to eliminate a rebellious teen in my Teke Teke form, because she thought it was a good idea to vandalize a building with rude and disrespectful comments.

Suzy: Oh God. I hate people like that. 😕

Eric Carr: Me too. 🫤

Eric Singer: Same here. 😐

Me: Anyway, since we've finally finished with getting all our stuff unpacked and put away, let's continue on with these truths/dares.

Vinnie—watch the cursed videotape from The Ring
Eric Carr—question for the fox: do ya like spaghetti?

Eric Carr: Why of course I like spaghetti! *chuckles* My mom loved to make it for me and the Caravello family, she was a great cook.

Vinnie: No thank you. I'm not watching that cursed videotape. It gives me nightmares and I still get them even after Emily forced me to watch it on her birthday.

Me: *giggles* I did not force you to watch it.

Vinnie: Yes, you did. And I don't want—

Me: *snickers* Vinnie, stop being such a scaredy-cat. It's just a movie.

Vinnie: Where a creepy dead girl crawls out of a TV and looks at people in the eye and kills them.

Me: Okay, okay. I get it. You don't like horror movies.

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