Chapter Twenty-Five

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(*A few days later...*)

Me: Whew! Now, that I've been calmed down by those four knuckleheads over there...

(*The host giggles and points to Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric Singer, and they all chuckle*)

Me: ...We can finally get back to doing these truths and dare!

Ace: Finally!

Peter: I've been waiting to see more of this. 😸

Eric Carr: Me too! 🦊😃

Suzy: Me too! 🦊 😃

Me: Anyway, we've got more truths and dares from the KISS Army, and boy, these are some interesting ones. And the first dare is for ole' glitter britches himself!

Paul: *smiles his famous Starchild grin* Cool! What's the dare? 🤩

Me: Well, let me see. *looks at the KISS laptop and then points my finger at the screen with a giggle* Hey girls, come and look at this.

Suzy: What is it, Emily?

KellerSinger18: Yes, let us girls see what is! 😃

Eli: I hope it's going to be a funny one! 😹

Vixen91: *looks at the screen and then laughs her a** off at what the dare is* You're not going to like this at all, Starchild. 😂😂

Paul: Um...hehe. 😅 *laughs nervously* So, what am I supposed to do for a dare?

Me: Remember when you told KellerSinger18 a white lie about Itty Bitty Kitty forgetting their anniversary?

Paul: Yes, I do. And that was not a very nice thing to do. I really regret doing that to her.

Me: I'm really glad that you've honest about what you did was wrong, but...

Paul: Yesss? *is starting to feel really nervous about it now* 😨

Me: KellerSinger18 still wants you to get punished. She dared you to clean out Cinnamon's litter box.

Paul: Wait...what?? 😨

KellerSinger18: You heard her, glitter britches. 😼

Me: And don't even think about arguing with us, cause' it ain't gonna work.

Paul: *sighs* Okay, fine. 😐

(*So, the Starchild goes to the room where Cinnamon, the host's tortishell cat, has her own playroom*)

Paul: *sees that Cinnamon's litter box definitely needs to be cleaned out* I guess I better get this over with or she'll keep on pestering me about it. *

Me: *sends Paul Stanley a text*


You'll find the scoop tool that's hanging on a hook on the wall.

Paul: *sends me a text back*

⭐️🌟⭐️ Paul Stanley 🌟⭐️🌟

Thanks I guess.  😵‍💫

Paul: *is already feeling sick to his stomach as he picks up the litter box and began to clean it out* 🤢🤢🤢

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