You're being weird- part 2

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Summary: it is now your wedding and Lizzie only just makes it.

Warnings: Boredom from sitting in traffic? 

Pronouns: she/her

No ones POV

After months of preparation the day was finally here. They day they'd all been waiting for. You're alarm went off at 6am so you could begin preparations. You had slept at a friends house so you wouldn't be able to see Lizzie until the time came to actually get married. Suddenly you felt a cold pair of hands drag you off the bed.

"Cmon dumbass, I've been up for two hours already!" your friend said, now shaking you violently. Your eyes flew open. "You got up at 4?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh so you learnt how to do math then?" they joked as you slapped them across the back of the head. "Okay okay sorry, but seriously get up man".

You got dressed and had breakfast and headed down to the dry cleaners to pick up your dress/suit (you can pick either dress or suit, whichever you prefer) and then drove for another hour to the venue you chosen. This venue was special to you and Lizzie because of all the memories you had made there. The first time you said "I love you" to each other was right at the venue. The first time you cried in front of her. The first time you shared a passionate kiss. There were lots more and they all ran through your mind as you drove up.

When you reached the venue (choose either forest, church, beach, farm or park) you headed round the back to go and place down the outfits. You then ran over to greet Scarlett who had agreed to help out and she gave you a big hug. "Has Liz arrived yet?", you asked her. She looked around and said "No, I don't think so". You nodded slowly. Surely she should be here by now. You both said you would leave the house at 7, and plus your friends house is further away from the venue than yours and Lizzie's apartment. And you had to go to the dry cleaners so she must have arrived already. You shook it off as Lizzie just being a bit late as usual and decided to help out with the decorations. 

Lizzie's POV

I woke up at 6am like me and Y/n had decided on. I left the house at 7am like me and Y/n had decided on. But somehow it was taking me 2 hours to drive somewhere that should be 45 minutes. The traffic had been a nightmare all morning. Surely it can't be this busy so early in the morning. Cmon. I honked and honked and the traffic just wasn't moving. I have moved... an inch in 20 minutes. I'm gonna have to ring Y/n and tell her I'll be late. I got out my phone and clicked on Y/n's name. It rang three times before going straight to voicemail. I left the voicemail hoping that she would listen to it.

I sat up a bit higher in my car and noticed that the traffic was queued up for miles. Ugh I'm never gonna make it. 

Y/ns POV

Ok so Lizzie is an hour and a half late. Thats fine, I'm sure she's ok. Maybe I'll ring her just in case.  I pick up my phone and see 2 missed calls from Lizzie and she left a voicemail. I'll listen to the voicemail first. "hey Y/n, ok bad news, i'm stuck in traffic and it's piled up for miles, like I haven't even moved in a whole hour, so will be a bit... or very late. Love you".

You sighed and told Scarlett the bad news. She bit her lip in thought. "I can check the roads on google maps, and I'll see if there is any junctions she can turn off onto". I nodded my head, all my faith going into google maps. Scarlett opened the app and scanned the roads. She noticed one strip of road was glowing red which meant traffic was extremely bad in that area. We both deduced that that was where Lizzie was. "Okay in about 40 yards, there is a junction which connects back onto the main road, and traffic isn't busy there at all". I smile widely and begin ringing Lizzie.

Lizzies POV

I hear my phone vibrating in my pocket. Pulling it out I see Y/n's name and I smile to myself like I always smile when I see her. I answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello", I answered. "Hiya", came the voice of my fiancee, "we have a small solution to your problem". I tilt my head  and say "What?"

"Okay do you see a junction to the right in about 40 yards." I turn my head and I notice the junction veering off to the right. "Yep I see it". "Okay good good, do you think you can make it to that junction?" she asks. I turn the wheel and squeeze into the next lane. Then I squeeze past the other cars, getting a few honks from other drivers and manage to make it to the junction. "I made it!" I cry, smiling with glee. "YAY, I'll see you in, 20 minutes?" she declared. "Yes you will, Love you". "Love you!" and with that she hangs up.

~Time skip~

No ones POV

With Lizzie finally at the wedding, the guests begin to arrive. They start taking their seats just as you came out of the small dressing area you had set up, wearing your dress/suit. Lizzie walked over to you wearing a suit and smiled. "You look amazing", you both said at the same time, before giggling. The guests were seated and Lizzie had walked up the altar. You gave the officiator a thumbs up and he gestured to the orchestra to begin playing. They played a smooth wedding march as you walked up the aisle, one hand holding the bouquet and the other linked around your fathers arm. You slowly walked towards Lizzie and as you passed the avengers cast you smiled and gave them a small wave. 

Once you had reached the altar you gave your father a kiss on the cheek and turned to face Lizzie. She smiled at you and her eyes glistened with tears. 

~Time skip~

"You may kiss your bride", The officiator announced as you and lizzie leant in and shared a tender kiss. Your friends and family applauded as you walked hand in hand back down the aisle. When you got to the end of the aisle you threw your bouquet backwards and one of your bridesmaids caught it. 

A/N I wrote this at 2 in the morning so it isn't the best.

If you see any mistakes I made then just lmk 

word count: 1125 words

Repost: 22nd May 2022


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