Be at peace

853 26 7

Summary: y/n has been ill for some time now and then one day Lizzie gets a call from the hospital saying she had passed away and goes through all the stages of grief.

Warnings: death, grief

⚠️Do not read if death upsets you too much⚠️

Pronouns: she/her

Nurses POV

We all knew she didn't have long left. She knew she didn't have long left. Her friends and family knew she didn't have long left. Yet, when she finally did go, it was a shock for all of us. 

Y/n had been in and out of hospital for years and so she was a favoured patient. All the doctors and nurses knew her name, and she was great to have around.

I sat at my desk, dreading the phone call I have to make. I've done this several times before, but today is just different.

Y/n died in the early hours of this morning and as I was her nurse, I am the one who must inform the family. I look down at her emergency contacts.

Lizzz ❤️

Mom 💜

Papa 💛

I knew who Liz was, because she always came in with Y/n for her appointments. Lizzie is her wife and obviously her mom and dad are her parents. I call Lizzie first.

"Hello?" Came a voice on the other end of the line.

Lizzie's POV

I was already awake when the phone rang. I had just made my breakfast and was staring out of the window and tapping my nails against the counter. The ringing of the phone made me jump but I immediately picked it up.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Hi there Liz, this is Nurse Bradshaw", came a voice on the other end of the line. I knew who Nurse Bradshaw was but I got confused in the moment because my mind was soaring all over the place.

"Who?" I ask, feeling embarrassed.

"Nurse Bradshaw, from the Sacred Heart Hospital? I was Y/N's nurse", she confirmed for me. 

"Oh yeah.. hi", I respond awkwardly.

"Hi.. Liz I'm very sorry to inform you but Y/n Y/l/n died in the early hours of this morning. Now I want you to know that she went peacefully in her sleep, there was no suffering involved". Nurse Bradshaw used a very gentle voice, "I know you may need some time for the reality to sink in, and you may come to the hospital and there will be a trusted advisor on hand to help you with your grief".

"Yep", is all I can say, barely even a whisper.

"Okay I'm gonna let you go now, I'm very sorry Liz I hope you grieve well". And with that she hung up the phone.

I was frozen in the moment. Even though the nurse had hung up I still held my phone to my ear. 

Over the next few weeks the emotions began pouring out and I went through the seven stages of grief.

First came denial..

She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be. The doctor had told her she was going to die within a couple of months of her diagnosis, yet she lived on for two more years. Why would she die now? She just can't. Be. Dead.

Second came the guilt..

I should've been there for her more. Yes I helped her take her medication. Yes I drove her to the hospital and stayed with her on overnight stays there. 

The one time I leave her on her own overnight, she dies. This is all my fault.

Third came the anger..

Nurse Bradshaw didn't help at all. What did she mean "hope you grieve well". I'm not exactly going to be singing my grief am I. No I'm going to cry non stop and over-eat. Ugh what does she know about losing a wife. Y/n was twenty nine as well. She was taken too soon. Aghhh why god?! Why?!!

Then came the loneliness...

I was staring out my bedroom window I realised how quiet the house really was. No more singing. No more silly music. No more laughter. Tears run down my cheeks uncontrollably, as I sit down in the corner of the room and curl up into a ball. What am I going to do now?

After that came the cravings...

I closed my eyes and felt her presence. When I opened them all I could see was the darkness of my bedroom. I craved her touch. I just wanted to hug her. One last time. Or kiss her. God I miss her so much.

After cravings came realisation and the reconstruction...

I lay in bed staring at the empty space beside me. I reached out my hand and I caressed the spot where she slept. Tears came streaming down my face again and I knew there was nothing I could do to change the past. Nothing I could do to bring her back. 

I realised it is probably time for me to begin to move on. She still has a place in my heart and I know that whatever I do, she will never be able to come back to me. 

Finally, came the acceptance and hope...

I flicked through photo albums of us and smiled through the tears. I was so grateful she came into my life, I don't know what I would've done without her. I have finally accepted her death. I know things never stay the same. Time exists. Even though it is a cruel thing. It is still there. Things change, people age and people die. There's nothing we can do to stop that and all I can do now is just make sure her memory lives on and be grateful for all those wonderful years we spent together.


A/n ngl I cried writing this

Anyway if you have any future requests, please put them in the comments or pm me.

Word count: 982


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