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Summary: Liz and Y/n are best friends at school and are in the Nativity together.

+ i am literally running out of ideas so when I think of something I just think "that'll do" so please don't judge 😭😭

Warnings: none

Pronouns: she/her


Every year our school performed a Nativity at Christmas. All the girls would fight over getting the part of Mary but not me! I wanted to be the Christmas star! 

This year Lizzie was Mary and just before the show was about to start she ran up to me wearing a blue dress and a blue scarf around her head. I was dressed in white leggings and a white top and I had a humongous silver star hung around my neck. 

"Looking good Mary", I said jokingly. She budged my shoulder and said "You're looking very shiny". I rolled my eyes. "Well duh I'm a star!"

She giggled and nudged me forward because I was supposed to be on stage. I ran on and said my lines. I beckoned to the shepherds and the three wise men and watched as they walked across the stage towards Mary and Joseph. Lizzie looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. 

After the show me and Lizzie were just joking around and having fun. I kept making fun of her acting (hehe ironic) and she made fun of my shiny star. 


A/n another short one!

Hope you enjoyed. I'm literally running out of ideas so the stories are getting worse and worse each chapter 😭😭

Word count: 253


Elizabeth olsen x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now