Super ninja skills

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Lizzie opened the front door to the house and stumbled in, trying to carry five shopping bags in each hand. She dropped them on the floor and leant backwards, in an attempt to crack her back.

She walked into the living about to ask you to come help her before she saw your sleeping body stretched out across the sofa and your favourite tv show playing in the background. Smiling to herself at how cute you looked she tip toed forwards and muted the tv, before grabbing a blanket off the back of the sofa and covering you with it, in case you got cold.

She couldn't help but whip out her phone and snap a few pictures of you sleeping like an angel. Then she tip toed out of the room, using her super ninja skills and picked up the grocery bags before making her way into the kitchen and dumping them quietly on the counter.

The cat that you owned came strutting up to her, wondering if she had bought it any food. She paused her movements to stare at the cat before shrugging and whispering, "sorry, not today".

As if the cat heard her, it turned around and walked away into another room completely unbothered. Lizzie smiled before returning to her groceries, stealthily placing them in cupboards dotted around the room.

Once she had successfully completed her mission she made her way back to the living room. Her eyes stayed on you as she silently placed herself down on a different couch. She smiled again before turning her attention to the tv, putting on the subtitles so she could understand what they were saying without having to use the sound. She didn't want to risk you waking up from your perfect slumber.

She knows how hard it is for you to get to sleep and how many days you've gone without sleep recently, so this was well-needed and she didn't want to wake you because of her selfishness.

Your phone was on the floor beside the sofa you were asleep on and she got out her own one, clicking on your contact. She sent a photo of you asleep, making sure to choose the most flattering one, before captioning it "I love you".

Your phone gently buzzed with the notification but Lizzie knew it wasn't enough to wake you. Her heart swelled as she watched you breathe, wondering how she managed to get this lucky.

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