Lost in the woods

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Summary: y/n and Lizzie are lost in the woods at night and Lizzie keeps scaring Y/N for fun

Pronouns: she/her

Warnings: uhh darkness?


"We're going round in circles Y/N, we already passed this tree".

"I know I know", Y/N snapped back. She didn't want to admit she was lost but she knew fully well that she was.

"We're lost Y/N just accept that", Lizzie piped up, as if she was reading Y/N's mind. After getting no and see from Y/N, she just sighed and placed her hand on her girlfriends shoulder.

"Look love, the sun is setting and soon enough it's gonna be pitch black", she informed the girl.

Y/N just shrugged and continued to walk ahead. "We have flash lights", she mentioned, waving her torch around.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and sat on a nearby log. She whipped out her phone and turned it on. 


Y/N noticed the absence of Lizzie's footsteps and quickly turned around to see that her girlfriend had disappeared. 

"Lizzie?!" She called out, her voice slightly cracking.

No reply.

"Lizzie!" She yelled again.

Once again, there was no reply.

"Shit shit shit shit shit", she muttered under her breath as she attempted to retrace her footsteps.

Lizzie's POV

I turned to phone on and once I did it immediately shut back off. 


Battery died.

I look up to tell Y/N that we have no signal but she isn't there.

"Y/N?" I call out and wait for a reply.

It doesn't come though.


This can't be good.

And now the sun has set so it's even darker.

I get up from my position on the log and start to walk ahead. Maybe she went off without me and didn't realise, which should mean she isn't far from here.

"Y/N?" I yell out again.

A rustle can be heard from my left and I quickly whip my head round to face that direction. 

I slowly walk towards the sound just as a bird flies out of the bush, scaring the shit out of me.

I give the bird the finger before shivering and continuing to walk.


Okay okay, so not only am I lost in the woods but i have also lost Lizzie.

That's fun

I continue to retrace my steps. She couldn't be too far from here. Maybe she sat down to have a rest and I didn't realise and walked off without her. So that could mean she is still sat there.

Suddenly I hear a voice. 

Someone's calling my name.

"Lizzie", I mutter as I break into a run.

I hear the noise again and speed up, sprinting in her direction.

"I'm coming Lizzie!" I yell out hoping she could hear me.

Soon enough I see a figure in the distance. I sprint towards and Lizzie's face comes into view. 

She notices me and her face lights up.

We run at each other at full speed before meeting in the middle in a hug.

"I thought I lost you", she whispers into my shoulder.

I stroke her hair and tell her repeatedly that I'm here.

We break apart from the hug and take in our surroundings.

"Hmm yeah, this is a bit of a problem", she whispers.



A/n - I finally uploaded after forever.

Thanks for 4k

I should be updating a bit more now.

Word count: 515


Elizabeth olsen x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now