Fix you

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This imagine is based on the song "Fix you" by Coldplay so go listen to that..

Warnings: hmmmm

Pronouns: she/her

Bold writing= song lyrics


When you try your best but you don't succeed.

Y/n had just got back her SAT scores. They weren't what she had hoped for. She failed. 

As she sat there holding the paper in her hands and beginning to cry, Lizzie wrapped her arm around the girl and pulled her close.

When you get what you want but not what you need.

Later that day Lizzie came round Y/N's house a bag of shopping in hand.

Y/n had asked her for some snacks. She sent a long long list but Lizzie went out to buy it anyway.

Y/n answered the door with a small grin and sheepishly took the goods from Liz. 

"Do you think eating a loaf of junk food is gonna make you feel better?"


When you feel so tired but you can't sleep.

At 2am Liz answered the phone. She huffed at Y/n.

"Y/n my love, it's 2 am just go to sleep".

Y/n yawned and said, "that's the thing, I can't. These SAT scores are just replaying in the back of my mind and they're taunting me".

Y/n could almost feel Lizzie's eye roll behind the phone, but when she spoke her voice sounded comforting. 

"Just get some rest and you'll feel better tomorrow".

"Alright then. Goodnight Lizzie".

"Night Y/n"

When the tears come streaming down your face

Two weeks later, Lizzie held the smaller girl close as she cried. Her shoulders shook as tears continued to stream down her face, making Lizzie's shirt wet. She didn't mind though, all she cared about was Y/N's feelings. 

"It'll be okay Y/n. You're okay".

When you lose something you can't replace

"It'll be okay. I promise", Lizzie continued to reassure her.

"But what if it's not", Y/n whispered back.

"He loved you Y/n. You loved him. And he'll always be watching over you. So yes of course it'll be okay".

When you love someone but it goes to waste

"I miss him so much Lizzie. It hurts. Everywhere hurts".

"I know, but just remember that alive or dead, he still loves you".

"I loved him so much Liz. I still do and all that love is just wasted".

"None of it is wasted, lovey. It is still being used", Lizzie tried to comfort Y/n after her dads unexpected death but none of it seemed to be working.

Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. And I will try, to fix you 

"Y/n I will always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere. I will stick by your side through the good times and the bad times, and even though we may have some bumps along the way, we will blow past them and come out better people. I will always love you. Always".

A tear fell from Y/n's eye and Lizzie wiped it away.

"You may now kiss your bride", the officiator announced.

Y/n and Liz leant in and connected lips as their friends and families cheered and applauded.


A/n this one might be confusing due to the time skip at the end but yk I quite like it.

Request open as always

Word count: 507


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