You get sick

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You woke up in the middle of the night, undeniably feeling something stirring in your stomach. You looked over at Lizzie and watched the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept peacefully. She'd had a long day at work and was due to have another busy day tomorrow so you didn't want to wake her.

Suddenly your stomach flipped and your smile dropped. You got out of bed as quietly as you could but when you tasted the acid you sprinted the rest of the way to the bathroom. You didn't bother turning the light on as you knelt down beside the toilet.

You threw up into the toilet many times and your body jolted with every heave. You felt a hand on your back and the light flickered on above your head.

You went to move your head to tell Lizzie to go back to bed but you felt another wave of nausea and you threw up once again.

Lizzie grabbed your hair and held it back and rubbed your back soothingly.

"Its okay baby, let it all out"

Once you had thrown up the last of it, you turned to face Lizzie.

She was yawning but there was a look a genuine concern and worry in her eyes that she was making no effort to hide. You sighed. You didn't want her to see you like this.

"Are you okay baby? Does it hurt anywhere?", Lizzie asked you with passionate concern.

You shook your head slightly. "Go back to sleep Lizzie you have a long day tomorrow".

She helped you to stand up and brushed your hair off of your sweaty forehead. 

"You're more important to me baby". Lizzie smiled at you with love.

A tear fell from your eye and Lizzie's expression changed immediately. Her brows furrowed and her eyes grew worried.

"Whats wrong? Do you need pain killers? Chocolate?" she asked quickly, eyes roaming over your body for any visible signs of physical damage.

You let out a small laugh. "I just need cuddles".

Her face softened and she smiled at you.

"I'm sure I can make that happen". She picked you up and carried you to your shared bed. There, she lay you down on top of her and you fell asleep to the sound of her heartbeat.

I have not updated in a while oh my

Hello again :)

Elizabeth olsen x Fem!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon