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Request: So can Lizzie have a daughter (y/n) and they always procrastinate their homework or something and it's because they don't know how to do it and then Lizzie realises this and helps out

Warnings: uhhhhhhh



Okay okay, I admit it. I'm a procrastinator. I get it. I don't do it on purpose it just happens. Just like a little kid didn't mean to fall over, it just happened.

My big thing is homework. I hate it. We spend hours at school in the day learning, just to go home and do more work. That can't be right. We go home to be with our families and relax. 

I'm always in detention at school for not doing homework. My mom pesters me about it all the time and I do try and do it. I really do. I just can't.

I stare at the sheet of paper I've been given and after twenty minutes of hard thinking, I never know what to write. Don't even get me started on math. 

The only subject I can actually do is art. Mostly because it's a distraction from the real world. I'm not gonna say my life's hard because it's not. Well compared to kids living in third world country's, I have it pretty good. I mean my mom is famous so we have lots of money. But the downside of her being famous is she never has enough time for me. I know she loves me but she doesn't show it all that well. When I was little she didn't teach me how to read. Well she did but not very well. Which is why I struggle so much with English. She didn't teach me how to add and subtract. Which is why I'm so bad at math. Art came naturally to me so that's what I always did instead of read a book or do some math. 

I've been staring at this sheet of sums for almost an hour now. All I've done was talk to myself in my head. I haven't even picked up my pen. 

Suddenly a knock was made clear on the door.

"It's open", I called out.

I swivelled round in my chair to see my mom sticking her head round the door. 

"Hey", she said with a big smile. I smiled back but didn't say anything.

"You ok?" She asked, her smile forming into a frown.

"Yep", I replied, popping the P.

Her gaze turned to the papers strewn across my desk, and she noticed the frequent rubbing marks all over them. 

"Do you need help?" She asked, turning back to me. I smiled awkwardly at her. I knew I needed help, but she had never asked if I needed help before. I was shooketh.

"Uhhh yes please", I said, in a quiet voice.

She smiled at me and walked over. She pulled up a chair and took a look at my papers. "Okay so this goes here, and that matches up with that".

I stared at her. "How did you do that?"

She chuckled and began to explain. I couldn't stop smiling the whole time.


A/n - okay so slightly different writing style. #innermonologue

Anyway did you like it?

Word count: 522

Edited and reposted: 30 May 2022


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