Please stop

841 16 4

Summary: Y/N is the daughter of Lizzie and Lizzie takes her on a shopping trip. The paps show up when they're shopping and start flashing the cameras at them. Y/N hates it and tells them to stop but they don't.

+ Y/N is aged 13-16 here, you can decide what age.

Warnings: harassment

Pronouns: she/her

A/n -


Requests? :)

Word count:


"Right put your shoes on Y/N we're going to the mall", Lizzie said running her fingers through her hair. Y/N was watching the tv with as much concentration as she could muster. She didn't reply to Lizzie, her focus made her deaf to outside noises. Lizzie sighed through her nose before repeating her statement.

This time Y/N heard her and span around, her plaits flicking her in the face in the process. "What?", she asked, her eyes wide. Lizzie sighed once again before looking down at her teenage daughter. 

"Do I have to repeat myself again?", she said, folding her arms over her chest.

Y/N shook her head and got up from her position on the floor and grabbed her favourite shoes before putting them on.

"I don't really wanna go", she said in a quiet voice.

"I know baby", Lizzie sympathised, hugging her daughter.

They drove to the mall, singing karaoke on the way. Lizzie chose lots of Taylor Swift and Y/N was mostly show tunes, because she was a theatre kid at school. 

~ Time Skip ~

After leaving their fourth shop, Y/N heard the click of a camera. Her head shot up as she clocked someone hidden behind a plant pot, with a camera aimed at her and her mom. She tugged on her moms sleeve and Lizzie looked across at her. Y/N motioned with her head towards the camera guy. When Lizzie saw him, she took a sharp breath before holding Y/Ns face away from him, to try to hide her identity. 

But not long after that more clicks could be heard and suddenly they were surrounded by flashes of cameras and people yelling their name. Other civilians who were just having a nice day out, came over to see what the commotion was about.

"Y/N", someone yelled, attempting to grab her attention.

"Y/N TURN AROUND" another man yelled.

"Lizzie can you face your daughter this way?" a woman asked, probably a reporter.

Y/N shook her head, feeling tears prickle her eyes. She hid her face in her moms shoulder as they tried to push their way through the crowd.

"Make it stop!" she cried covering one of her ears with her hand, using the other one to grip her moms hand. 

Lizzie rubbed her daughters back to try and calm her.

The flashes became too much for Y/N and she shut her eyes tight, even though she could still see the blinding white lights.

After what felt like an eternity, the two females escaped the mall and were safely driving away. Y/N was silently crying and lizzie was rubbing circles on her hand.

Once they had arrived home, Lizzie held her daughter and sung her the same lullaby she used to sing her as a baby, as Y/N fell asleep.

A/n -

So this is very rushed because I haven't written in a looooong time.

My requests are still open for you guys, honestly please request hahaha

I hope none of you were triggered too badly by this story :)

word count: 549


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