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Summary: Y/n and Lizzie are in high school and Y/n is always asking to borrow things from Lizzie and Lizzie always says no until she gets asked a certain question 

Warnings: none 



"Pssst, Liz", Y/n whispered to Lizzie who was sat at the desk in front of her. They were in Spanish class and Y/n didn't have a clue what was going on. Liz rolled her eyes, already knowing what Y/n was about to say, and she had her answer ready. She turned in her seat to face the girl behind her, who was sat crossed legged and had an innocent smile plastered on her face.

"What do you want Y/n?"

"Can I borrow your answers?"

"No Y/n"


"Hey Lizzie, soo you know how we are like best friends", Y/n said as she plonked herself down onto an empty seat next to Lizzie in the school canteen. Liz rolled her eyes and took a sip from her drink. Y/n cleared her throat before saying, "Can I borrow 10 dollars for food?"

"No Y/n"


"Wait Liz", Y/n called out as the bell went for next class, which happened to be art for both Liz and Y/n. Lizzie had rushed off trying to not be late and also get away from Y/n. Y/n sprinted after her, pushing over a few kids along the way. She managed to catch up and before she said anything she took a few deep breaths to get her breath back.

"Hey, so um, can I borrow some paints?"

"No, Y/n"


This had been going on for a couple of months now and Y/n did it so often that they never seemed to be away from each other. Even after school Y/n would message Elizabeth asking to borrow some of her homework answers, or something of the sort.

One day though, Y/n went up to Lizzie at the school gate after school had finished, with another borrow question. As she appeared next to the girl, lizzie rolled her eyes like she always did when Y/n showed up, but this time they eye roll was barely noticeable and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 

"What do you need now?"

Y/n laughed nervously before saying, "Umm, so this is gonna be really cheesy but, can I borrow your heart?"

Lizzie looked confused and didn't say anything. Y/n was looking down at the floor, playing with the buttons on her denim jacket. Lizzie realised what she was asking and her face softened. She was kind of hoping that Y/n would ask her that question and she had had het answer ready for a long time.

"Yes Y/n"


A/n PLEASEEEE what is thissss?!!!!!! 😭😭

Anyway thanks for reading xx requests are still open

Word count: 442


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