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Summary: Lizzie has a daughter (y/n) who thinks she has monsters under her bed and every night Lizzie has to check 

+ Y/n is about four years old in this

Warnings: nonnneeee

Pronouns: she/her


"Mooooommmyyyy", Y/n whined as Lizzie dragged herself up the stairs once again.

"What is it honey?" She said, her voice comforting.

Y/n said nothing, and instead pointed downwards towards her quilt. Lizzie immediately knew what she meant and knelt down to look underneath the bed. 

Y/n pulled her quilt covers up towards her nose as Lizzie reassured her that there was nothing there.

"What if he is hiding?" Y/n whispered.

"There is no where to hide, look Y/n there's nothing there".

Y/n tipped off the edge of her bed and she looked under the bed, upside down. After seeing nothing she finally decided it was okay to sleep.

"Alright honey, sweet dreams", Lizzie said, kissing her daughters forehead.

"Night mommy", Y/n replied, closing her eyes and hugging her favourite teddy bear.

Lizzie turned off the light and smiled at her daughters still figure.


A/n - IM BACK. Nice short just to get me used to writing again even tho it's been like a week ahah

Ngl this one is kinda adorable

Requests are still open..

Word count: 197


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