Coming out

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Summary: Y/n and Lizzie have been best friends since Kindergarten and Y/n comes out to lizzie as a Lesbian

+ I apologise if you aren't a Lesbian, I just had to pick a sexuality for the purpose of the story 

Warnings: none I'm pretty sure

Pronouns: she/her

Y/ns POV

I woke up shielding my eyes from the blinding light that was pouring through the drapes. Once my eyes adjusted I got out bed and headed to the living room. I had stayed at Lizzie's overnight, in her guest bedroom. I counted my steps to the living room (I had to do this otherwise I would be lost) and when I finally managed to get there I noticed Lizzie curled up on the couch. Her hair was messy and she was wearing scruffy clothes. I loved it when she was like this because it showed she was comfortable around me. She hadn't noticed me come in so I decided to scare her. I tip-toed across the room, grabbed her shoulders and yelled boo. She screamed and threw a cushion at me, as I cackled.

She then got up and went to walk towards the kitchen. It was all open-plan, so I knew I couldn't get lost. Her facial expression went from amused/annoyed to a realisation.

"Oo I wanted show you something", she said before running off.

Thirty seconds later she came back holding a magazine. She flicked through the pages before finding the right one. She showed it to me. It was a picture of a woman. No, not just a woman. A Goddess! This woman was absolutely gorgeous. I was stunned by her beauty.

"She's beautiful isn't she?!" Lizzie said, sounding like she's trying to hint at something. I slid the magazine back to her reluctantly and replied with, "What are you trying to say?" She tilted her head at me and said, "You show no effort to hide it, and I want you to know I'm absolutely okay with it". I stand there shocked. Is it really that obvious? I mean sure I stare at other women sometimes, and yes I hate romantic movies about heterosexual couples (not throwing any shade to heterosexual people) but is it really that obvious? 

Lizzie chuckled and said, "It's obvious". Did she read my mind???! No that's not possible.

"So you're okay with me being a Lesbian?" I ask nervously. I don't want our friendship to be any different just because of my sexuality. She pulls me into a massive hug and whispers in my ear, "Of course I'm okay with love". I smile into the hug.

"How did your parents take it?" She asked as we sat down at the dining table.

I made a face at her and said "not well". Her expression changed into a sad one and she immediately pulled me into a hug as a tear slipped from my eye.

"I love you", she whispered in my ear.

"I love you too"


A/n - this story is based on a true story. My friend (not Elizabeth Olsen lol) said it was obvious I was gay and she was absolutely okay with it. And also my parents (more my dad) did not take it well.

Thank you for 1k that's amazing! 

Word count: 529


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