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Summary: Y/n is in the army and she has been fighting overseas. But she surprises Lizzie by coming home unexpectedly.

Warnings: a lot of tears

Pronouns: she/her


The flight home was very emotional. All I could think about was getting home and seeing Lizzie's face. When the pilot said there would be a 30 minute delay I nearly had a metal breakdown because I couldn't get home sooner.

When we finally lifted in the air, I waved goodbye to Europe and mentally greeted America.

Once we had touched down, all the passengers on the plane burst into applause. They were all fellow soldiers like me, just wanting to get home to their families. I joined in on the applause with a large grin on my face. 

I got off the plane with my good friend Kyle and we chatted excitedly as we practically skipped through JFK airport.

Kyle couldn't wait to get home to his wife and three kids and I didn't blame him. My heart was racing and my mind just kept focusing on Lizzie.

We made a short stop at a small shop that sold all the things I would've loved as a kid. We quickly looked around all the aisles as Kyle picked out three items for each of his daughters. He quickly paid for them before we then fast walked through the rest of the airport. 

We got stopped once for questioning. We knew this was going to happen so we weren't shocked by it. They just wanted to check that we weren't going to blow up the whole place or do something really bad once we got outside and in the city. This was just because we are both soldiers and had just arrived from being in a war-zone so I understood where their logic was coming from. 

The questioning only took half an hour which was quite quick compared to other times this has happened.

After that we rushed through security and finally managed to get outside.

As I stepped through the doors I inhaled deeply and smiled widely. 

We called a cab together because Kyle didn't live too far from me.

The whole cab ride was in total silence. We were both excited and nervous and didn't want to say anything in case we threw up or something.

Kyle got dropped off first at his house. I told the cab diver I would pay him an extra ten bucks if he stayed for a bit, just so I could watch Kyle greet his family again for the first time in six months.

He stood at the gate to his house as his wife opened the front door. She placed a hand to her mouth and began to cry, just as two young girls rushed out the door. 

"DADDY!" They both yelled. His third daughter was in the arms of his wife because she was just two years old. His two elder daughters were seven and ten.

He bent down to their level and hugged them tightly. The oldest daughter began to cry and Kyles wife rushed over and hugged him tightly. Kyle took his youngest daughter, Elsie, out of his wife's arms and kissed her forehead.

I let a tear fall from my eye as I watched this beautiful family reunion.

I waved goodbye to Kyle and his family before we drove off to go and see Lizzie.

As we pulled up outside our house, I wiped my hands on my knees and gave the driver fifty bucks, plus the extra ten I had promised him.

I thanked him and dragged my suitcase out of the trunk.

He drove off as I stared up at the house. 

My neighbour, Lorraine, who was walking her dog smiled at me and gave me a hug. 

"It's nice to see you again", she said politely, as i stroked her dog, Bruno.

"Hey do you think you could help me with something?" I asked her.

"Oh yes of course. You served our country, now I serve you", she said as I smiled.

"Okay so I wanna surprise Lizzie, do you think you could ring the doorbell and say that you have a delivery for her. And then I'll come into view and we can reunite".

Lorraine smiled at me. "That sounds lovely, of course I can help you with that. Let me just put Bruno back in the house".

Lorraine's house was just next door so it only took about a minute to put him back inside.

I hid behind the bushes as Lorraine stepped up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

I heard the door open and Lorraine said "Hiya love I have a delivery for you". 

I heard Lizzie make a surprised sound.

"Let me just grab it for you", Lorraine said before walking over to me, behind the bushes. She held her hand out to me and I took it before jumping up to reveal myself.

Lizzie's jaw dropped open and her eyes went wide, before she placed her hand to her mouth, just as Kyles wife had done, and she began to cry.

I ran up to her and hugged her. I lifted her off her feet and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

She buried her face in my neck and continued to cry.

I breathed in the familiar scent of her perfume and smiled to myself.

"I missed you", I whispered.

"I missed you too", she whispered back.

I placed her back on the ground and smiled at her. Tears swarmed in my eyes, blurring my vision as I stared at her beautiful face for the first time in 6 months.

"I love you so much Lizzie".

"I love you so much too Y/n"

A/n - sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been caught up with school and fantasizing about marvel. Plus I have theatre rehearsals almost every day now.

Anyway. I wrote this because I was looking through my photo albums and found a photo from five years ago when I was 12, when my brother who was 22 at the time had just come home from being overseas. So this is what inspired this story.

+ I wanted to add kyles reunion because he seems like a really sweet guy

word count: 1002


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