Enemies to lovers

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Thanks to  for the idea

Summary: Y/n and Lizzie have both been cast in a movie as a couple but there's a problem. They both hate each others guts. They are forced to work side by side everyday and soon enough their hate relationship turns into one of love

Warnings: none

Pronouns: she/her


Lizzie shot daggers at Y/n as they sat around the table in the studio and went over their scripts. 

Neither girl actually knew what had caused them to hate each other, but they did.

Their director was sick of their little fights and he threatened to fire them both if it continued. So instead they fought by using their eyes. The art of death staring.

Y/n looked up from her script to find Lizzie staring fiercely at her. Y/n thought she would mess with Lizzie, so she smiled at her. 

It definitely worked because Lizzie's death stare faltered slightly and her eyes became confused.

Y/n thought she would take it a step further so she waved cheerily at the woman. Lizzie gulped and turned to face their director who was rolling his eyes.

They continued to go over their script and when they hit a kissing scene both girls groaned loudly.

"I thought you would react like that", the director said, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. 

"Neither of us want to do this, can't you just take the scene out?" Y/n asked the director.

"No we cannot just take it out, it is a vital moment in the storyline", he snapped back. Both girls rolled their eyes even though they both felt butterflies swarming in their stomachs.


They were rehearsing the kissing scene and Y/n had mentioned multiple times that she was about to kill everyone in this room and then herself.

"Right come on then, let's see that kiss", their director said.

They both leant in and their lips connected. As soon as they did, both girls immediately jumped away from each other.

Their director threw his hands up in the air and told them to do it again but for much longer.

So they leant in again and connected their lips. They held it and both girls felt a spark but neither said anything. When they parted they just looked at each other and smirked a little bit. Their director clapped them.

"Much better Ladies, well done".


It was now time to perform the kissing scene with a camera facing them. What both girls had thought over the past week was that they were excited for this scene. They daren't voice their thought though.

They said the few lines that had been scripted before they prepared for the kiss.

It was raining and both girls were soaked through.

Y/n leant in towards Lizzie and they connected their lips. The kiss got heated and when they their director yelled cut, they both reluctantly pulled away.


At the end of the day, when both girls had dried off, Lizzie ran up to Y/n and tapped her shoulder. Y/n turned around to see Lizzie smiling at her. The heat rushed to her cheeks as Lizzie held out a slip of paper with a number scrawled across it. Y/n took it from her and stared down at it.

"I'll be waiting", Lizzie whispered before running off.


A/n - Sorry it took me ages to upload this one, I had a mild writers block

hope you liked :)

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