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Summary: Y/n sees a spider and screams, waking up lizzie

+ this one will be shorter bcs I don't have much time to write it all. It's exam season right now I'm really stressed and I'm mostly focusing on revising but I will update as much as I can <3

warnings: arachnophobia 

pronouns: I don't think its really stated

Y/ns POV

I was in the shower debating wether stairs go up or down, when I saw it. A huge furry thing with long spindly legs. It was clinging to the side of the bathtub and staring straight at me. I immediately turned off the water and climbed out. After drying myself off I looked back at it, to find it had disappeared. Now I was panicking. Shit shit shit. I looked on the walls, the ceiling and I couldn't find it. When I looked back down I saw it running towards me at full speed. I screamed so loud, the whole house shook. It was the type of scream you hear in horror movies. The ones that last for like a minute and comes from the depths of Tartarus. 

I obviously woke Lizzie up because next thing I knew, she was stood in the doorway, shielding her eyes from the light and looking worried. Once her eyes had adjusted she looked at my figure in a ball on top of the toilet and she tilted her head in confusion.

I pointed at the spider on the floor. It had stopped moving. I probably frightened it to death with my scream. Serves it right anyway. 

She smiled which then turned into a laugh. I glared at her and told her to just get rid of it. She did as she was told and she scooped it up and chucked it out the window, still laughing. When it had gone she picked me up off the top of the toilet and hugged me. "You frightened me, I thought you were being murdered", she said as she stroked my hair. "You never know, did you see the pincers on that thing!" I whispered back, shuddering slightly. She chuckled and took my hand, leading back to bed. 

For the rest of the night, we lay there, holding each other, and as I drifted off to sleep, I smiled slightly to myself.

a/n I don't even know what this is lol

Put requests here ------>

word count: 307

Also tysm for over 200 reads. I didn't expect to get past 20!!!!!!

Repost: 22nd May 2022


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