Come back home

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Summary: Lizzie has been away for a couple of months, filming Endgame and Y/n gets a surprise when she comes home

Warnings: noneeee

Pronouns: she/her

Lizzie's POV

Okay I've been away for about three months now. That's the longest I've ever been away from Y/n. I missed her the day I left the apartment. Sure we video chatted and texted but it's not the same. I miss her hug, I miss the smell of her signature perfume, i miss her lips. But im coming home today! She doesn't know im coming home which makes it even more exciting. 

Y/N's friend Stephanie is helping me with the surprise. She's making sure that Y/n stays home all day so that she can be there when I arrive. I hope it goes to plan.

Right now im sat on the aeroplane with two hours to go on the flight. Im absolutely exhausted. 10 hours is a long flight.

Y/n's POV

I miss my girlfriend sooo much. I can't wait for her to get home. I don't know when that will be though but im hoping it will be within the next couple of weeks. 

I hate seeing the empty side of the bed and the absence of her in the kitchen, cooking up a storm, is painful. Sure we video chat and text but it's not the same. 

Lizzie's POV

I just pulled up outside the house and I am buzzing to get back inside and see her. I jump out the car and head on inside making sure to open the door quietly.

I glance into the living room and see Stephanie. She smiles at me and points towards the kitchen. I tip toe to the kitchen and there she is. With her back to me and her Y/h/c locks perfectly braided down her back. I place my keys down on the table and the noise makes her turn around. 

She drops the glass she is holding so it shatters all over the floor and her eyes go wide. I smile at her reaction and before I know it her arms are wrapped around my neck and she's kissing me. I place my hands on her hips and kiss back. 

A/n - I wrote this on the walk home from school so it's not my best 

Some requests would really help me out 😭😭

Word count: 384


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