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Sunghoon came from a loving family. Even if his parents were busy they always made sure to make time and be there for their son. Papa Park and Mama Park were the pillars in his life. They were supportive when they knew their son was bisexual. 

Although his parents were supportive and let him do his own things, there was certain expectations from his friends. They weren't supportive and accepting as his parents.


Na eun, the popular and prettiest cheerleader of school has hots for him. She was constantly hitting on Sunghoon. Even right now, she was in his class clinging on to him although she was not in his major. Sunghoon was trying his best to ignore her when he saw someone familiar entering the classroom.

He held his breathe when he saw Shim Jake entering his class looking beautiful as ever. Jake roamed his eyes for available seats but every one was taken. He was about to leave when a boy called him.

"Here, come here." The boy called Jake before Sunghoon could say anything. Jake walked towards the boy.

"Thankyou." Jake smiled making Sunghoon squint his eyes at them.

Sunghoon rested his cheek on his palm looking across the class where his eyes roamed around certain puppy looking man. Na eun was still glancing towards Sunghoon tucking her hair behind ears but Sunghoon was busy observing Jake.

He was busy noticing the small details about Jake. He noticed the long slenders fingers playing with his pen and writing down notes. His eyes looked beautiful without glasses, which was concentrating on the professor. His silky hair falling perfectly on his face. Jake didn't need to try hard to get Sunghoon's attention like Na eun,

Sunghoon was already looking at Jake.

The sound of the bell snapped Sunghoon out of his daze. He realized he was staring for too long. Sunghoon watched as the professor left the class and Jake packing his belonging. He was about to go to Jake but was stopped by Na eun. He smiled politedly as much as he can, looking at Jake who was now talking to the boy and the boy somehow looked familiar.

"Ahh right!! He is one of the hockey player in my team, Jay" Sunghoon thought. He saw both of them leaving together and sighed.

He was annoyed? kinda.

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