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Jake walked towards the library at his usual sit but this time the looks and murmuring wasn't there. He was receiving kind gaze and smiles from other. He sat at the corner taking out his books.

"I heard about your dad. I am sorry." Jake was startled at the sudden voice. He glanced at the person and frowned.

"You again?" Jake sighed.

"I am not here for this and that. I just wanted to apologize to you." Heeseung looked at the younger, "I am sorry for being an asshole to you. I was worst person to you. Yes, I chased you because you were the first to reject me and it hurted my pride. But you were really kindest person and I fell in love with you genuinely. You became my boyfriend but you weren't there for me like how a boyfriend does." Jake listened to him attentively.

"You treated me like how you treat everyone. Yes, you held my hand and walked with me but you also did same with Niki. You treated me kindly like how you treat others. You gave me the same smile. And when I wanted to kiss you hesitated. And we dated for almost half year and you didn't even wanted to go on trips or sleep with me."

"Look hyung, I understand how you felt and I am really sorry. I genuinely wanted to be with you but you would just boast us about your friend like I was a prize you won. I felt like you never genuinely liked me. You still partied with girls and danced with them grinding and all while I was still beside you. And about holding hands with Niki, he is my cousin brother, you also know that. And about how I treat others, you treated me the same as your sluts, so, I just gave you the taste of your own medicine. Give and take, remember? You taught me."

"Jakey, I am really sorry about that but I genuinely loved you and I still love you. I am sorry about those stupid rumors . Can we start over fresh and new? I swear I won't be the same person." Hesseung walked closer.

"Hyung, you are really shameless." Jake scoffed, "And about starting new, let's start. You start to be a better person and I start to be happy. I am not that naive to go back to you and I think you are also not that naive that you would think I will go running back to you just because you apologized." Jake stood up gathering his book, "There isn't a day I get to study properly."

"And hyung, I am so much happier with Sunghoon who adores me and loves me. He doesn't treat me like a bet prize that he won. And thanks to you I got to meet him, Jay and Jungwon. So, Thankyou I guess. And I'll be happier with them." Jake walked away.

Jake needed this closure and he is more than happy to close that torturing past and moving on with the happiest present.

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