Chapter Six - i am dream smp

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I got woken up by a loud yawn. Definitely from Alice. I tried for a couple minutes to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I sat up. I looked down at my simple green shirt with the smile on it. See, this was a shirt Ranger bought for me a while back. He knows about my intense Dream obsession, so this was his birthday gift for me. I'm very upset to not be able to watch Dream and (my favorite lesbian) Tommy Innit, but this means once I get the ability to then I will have a lot of videos to watch! That's good- that means I can spend all day watching him! Oh man, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!1 There must be a lot of Dream and Gogy content waiting for me!! Once I get settled in- either here or at a different place- I'm definitely going to make watching the DSMP a top priority.

I never want to take this shirt off. I mean... I have to. I probably will ask today if there is a place I can wash this shirt today. But the problem is clothing... perhaps Sara Island has a clothing shop? That would be helpful, if I had any money... I guess I'll just have to ask. I get up from the place in which I am sleeping and start doing yoga.

Without a word, Alice and Sheepmaru got up and stood beside me. In unison, we all start doing various yoga poses and flows. After around 15-30 minutes we finish. "Yogalicious!" I shouted. This truely, was a yogolicious event.

"Okay, okay..." Ranmaru started. "Let's get down to business. I need to go see the other Alice and Kai. There's food in the fridge and in the pantry- don't eat the whole house this, isn't hansel and gretel. But if you want it to be, I'm sure I can be the witch. Yes, that was a threat. Have fun, you guys! If you need anything- no you don't. Stay inside, I'll be back in a few hours."

That sounded... unnesecarily aggressive. But it's whatever- we'll get our answer in a few hours. I thought about what we could do while we wait, but nothing came to mind. I sat down in the height-adjustable chair and thought. Alice was already laying down on the floor, I assumed he was thinking as well.

After a couple minutes, Alice got up and started to look around. Opening cabinets, drawers, searching for secret compartments in the floor and walls, removing paintings for the possibility of a secret room- all of the sort. I rested my eyes and started thinking about eggs.

I don't know how long I was thinking about eggs- time flies when you're having fun. But one thing I know was the shout that interrupted my beautiful thoughts. "Booyah! I found it!" I opened my eyes and raised an eyebrow. Alice was standing in a very majestic pose- one hand on his hip, his stance wide, and his hand toward the ceiling. He was also looking down with a greedy smile on his face. In his hand was.... oh no.

"We will be bored no longer! For I... have aquired a card game!"



No, not again.

Not this game.

Anything but this....

"Let's play UNO, Kai!" Alice suggested. Though it wasn't really a suggestion... All of the cards had already been laid out. I let out a very long sigh and got up from my chair and walked to where Alice was sitting. I guess it was time to play UNO....

-A couple very tall hours later-

A small knock and a door opening. My heart dropped for a second, but to my relief it was just Sheepmaru. We were still playing uno somehow, and our cards were scattered all over the floor. "Y'know you're going to have to clean this up, right?" Sheepmaru said while sighing. Alice and I hurried to clean it up and sat back down, me assuming my position in the height-adjustable chair. I mean- come on! I finally have a chair I can sit in without kneeing myself. This is one of the best advancements of society today. This chair is my favorite thing, other than Freeda.

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