Chapter Ten - A New Chapter

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I awoke in a bed and covered in a warm blanket. I groggily sat up and opened my eyes, rubbing them awake. I looked over to my side to see a small boy sitting in a small stool, slouched over and sleeping. He jumped awake and looked at me.

"Meow! You're awake, woof!" The boy said. He was wearing a gray t-shirt with blue jean shorts and an orange cape. The cape had a hood that resembled a tiger, with little flaps for ears. He had big cat mittens on his hands and he was holding a big cat plush. He was also wearing a mask... Strange appearance, but I had to admit it was very cute. He looked maybe around 10-11, give or take.

"I've been waiting for you all day, woof! Mew-chan and I are glad you're awake, meow!" The boy gleefully said. Mew-chan must have been the plush he was holding because I didn't see anyone else in the room.

"Where am I..." I asked.

"You're in Egbenedia City, woof! My name is Gin Ibushi, and this is Mew-chan!" Gin said. And- let me pronounce that for you- it sounds like 'Jin'. Not 'Geen' or 'Gin', it's 'Jin'.

"Do you live with anyone? Where are your parents?" I asked. This kid better not live alone...

"Don't worry, I live with my dad! Keiji takes good care of me, meow!" Though I was a bit confused that Gin and his father were on first name basis, I ignored it. At least this kid was safe. "Woof, you're super kind, tall man! You crashed your helicopter and the first thing you're worried about is me who you met only a few minutes ago, hehe...."

I laughed a little. "Kehehe... I guess I just have a big heart." I came ot my senses a little more and looked around. "Wait... Gin? Where is Freeda?!"

"U-Um... who's Freeda? Is she your friend? There was nobody else at the crash, woof..."

"MY FRYING PAN!!!?!?!?!?!? WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!" I started to yell. Gin's eyes started to tear up and so I took a deep breath and sat back down. "I'm sorry Gin. Freeda- she's my frying pan and my best friend. She's been my only friend for my whole life up until a few days ago."

"I-I'm sorry tall man! I put him under the bed... I didn't know it meant so much to you, woof!" Gin apologized. "It's okay." I said. "You didn't know, and since Freeda is safe- that's all that matters. Is Keiji home?" I asked.

"Keiji is home, meow! Do you want me to go get him for you?"

"Yes, please." I said, grabbing Freeda out from under the bed. Gin stood up and toddled out of the room, shortly returning with a tall-ish (not as tall as me) man whose hair looked like piss. It was a bright yellow... Who would let their hair look like that?! Well, it didn't matter. He walked in and pulled a chair up to the bed where I had sat back down on and extended his hand.

I shook his hand and he had a very firm grip. Britishly, the man spoke. "I'm Keiji, nice to meet you. And you are?"

"Kai... Kai Satou."

"Are you a househusband?" Piss hair asked. I looked down at my clothing and realized I was still wearing my green (dreamy weamy!!!) maid dress. Great... I made an absolutely fantastic first impression on them /sarc.

"No, no... These are just my clothes. Though I do believe I would make a good househusband." I responded in a british accent (because I'm british). Gin was standing in the corner of the room playing with Mew-chan.

"Would you? Well, let's go into the living room so we can talk more. I have an offer for you." Keiji said as he stood up. He helped me up and we walked to the living room. In the corner of my eye I saw him urge Gin to stay in the bedroom.

We walked into the living room and I sat down on the couch, Keiji sitting down on a beige recliner. "What is this offer you speak of?" I ask, eager for an answer.

"Well, you can't stay here forever." Keiji said. "I'm not always home and Gin goes to school, and- apologies for saying this but I can't exactly trust you yet. However, I do know of someone who can take you in... It is a rather fine deal, but it would require a lot of work."

"Go on..."

"You can stay with the Professor of Royalty. He will teach you may things... the history of our country, the speech patterns of the people, proper manners of royalty, and everything else you'd need to know. You would have a place to stay in the castle, as the professor lives in the castle as well. You would be added to the team of housemaids as your payment towards them. How does that sound?"

That sounded like a pretty sweet deal in comparison to being homeless in Egbenedia City. I mean, ROYALTY?! Come on, of course I had to agree! I bet when my fidget-loving father kicked me out he wasn't expecting me to get this far.

"Yes, I would love to do that if it't not too much trouble!" I responded eagerly.

"Perfect, we can leave right away." Piss hair said.

Time skip! At the castle.

As we were driving by I looked up at the large castle ahead of us. Was this really where I was going to live? This is too much for me... I was still wearing the green maid dress, but I suppose that's a good thing now? I never thought I would be saying that wearing a maid dress would make a good impression, but...

"Here we are, Kai." Keiji said. "Your new home."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Finally, I would have a place where people cared about me. Where the rules are set in stone. Where I'm not constantly being sabotaged by a ginger. Where I can make friends, go place freely, not be in trouble all the time.

We parked next to a large fountain by the front and I stepped out. I looked up at the castle... Now I'm starting a new chapter of my life. Everything that has happened up to this point... I'm leaving behind. I may never see Alice again, but at least I'll be happy.

At least I'll be here.

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