Chapter 8 - Spin the Wheel

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I woke up in the same room, but instead I was tied to the chair. There was now in eerie mist around the room, but it seemed to be just made of water. I decided it would be a good idea to assess the situation and take in my surroundings. Though it was misty, I could make out some figures. I was sitting in the red-washed section of the room, and Alice was sitting tied up in the purple section. In the green section- Joemama69 was sitting. Tied up in a chair just like us. I thought he did this... but would he really tie himself up?

"What have you done to us?! Why are you tied up as well?!" I shouted, desperate to get a response.

"We're all tied up now. We're on equal playing field now, right Kai?" Joemama69 said in his typical creepy tone. "Now... we can play a game." What kind of game was Joemama69 thinking? I was worried about it being a dangerous game- but it sounded like Joemama69 was being cautious with us.

"Ahaha! No no, don't worry Alice and Kai. This game will not put you in any danger. We will simply take turns asking questions. Here are the rules: One, you must tell the truth. You are currently connected to a lie detector with 100% accuracy. I have a small birdie in the back reading the results. If you tell the truth, you're safe. If you lie... well, that's another story."

Already this game wasn't sounding like much fun. Why did we even have to come to Joemama69's house in the first place? I should have listened to Alice. I looked over at him and his gaze was focused on Joemama69.

"Rule two: you may not converse about your answers. You both are seperated with a clear soundproof wall, so your answers may not be heard by each other. One more reason to tell the truth~" He said. He was right, there was a clear wall between us both. I must not have noticed it before will all the mist. "You're able to hear me because of the speakers I've placed on the back of your chair. Geometric wise, you wouldn't be able to hear me because of the other's soundproof walls, so I took the necessary precautions."

So, as long as we tell the truth we won't get killed? Seems easy enough.

"And for the third rule... The floor of this room spins. My little birdie will push a button, spinning us and randomly choosing a participant. Who knows? Maybe I'll get selected multiple times... maybe you won't be selected at all..."

I could almost feel a 'yikes' from Alice about to happen, but it didn't. Or maybe even an 'inconceivable!' but it never happened. It probably did happen, but these soundproof walls blocked out the noise. This situation was getting worse by the minute, yes yes... this was a big yikes.

"And for the fourth and final rule... You can back out at any time. If we spin once and it lands on Alice, he may ask a question... or he may back out. He may not choose both. However if it lands on me... I can ask a question and back out. That's fair, is it not? There's two of you and only one of me..."

This isn't fair. What if he only wants to ask one question? It's over for us if he gets selected first...

"One more thing..." Joemama69 started. "If one of you chooses to back out illegally, the other one will be punished. For example... If Kai backs out during my turn, neither of you have to answer... but Alice will be punished. That is all. Are you ready?"

I gulped and nodded my head. I looked at Alice and he seemed to be saying something with confidence, so I suppose he agreed. I looked back at Joemama69 and noticed the mist had died down, and the colors had changed. Instead of red green and purple... the room was entirely black. A singular spotlight shone on all of us. Joemama69 started counting down.




My heart rate sped up and my breathing increased.



I started sweating."




The uncomfortable fabric of my maid dress stuck to my skin.


It's almost time.


Here we go.


The spotlights shut off and we began spinning, round and round and round.... and then we stopped. Please, don't be Joemama69. Please... please... please... After around 10 seconds of waiting a spotlight shone brightly upon me. I hadn't even processed what was happening until a red analog clock turned on in front of me and started counting down from 30.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. You better ask your question quick... or you'll run out of time!" Joemama69 informed. Well, eggs benedict! I better think of a question quickly... I panicked and my voice sprouted a question.

"Why did I have to get sucked into eggs benedict to get here?!" I asked. No... that wasn't a good question. Why did I even say that.

"Hahahaha! Is that really your question? So be it. Here's the answer. I don't know!" Joemama69 said. "Does that help? Alright birdie, spin again!"

The bright light shining on me got turned off. The floor started spinnning again. I wasted my question. Now Joemama69 might be able to ask a question and we'd have to answer... I'm so disappointed in myself. I guess all that's left to do now is hope it lands on Alice or on me again. We spun... and spun.... and spun....

The light turned on revealing Alice. Whoever is spinning the wheel... they are either on our side or it really is random.

"Rotten luck..." Joemama69 pouted. We couldn't see him, but we could still hear his audio. All the sudden, the room went quiet. Right! The soundproof walls. I couldn't hear Alice's question. I saw his mouth moving, but nothing came out. He stopped talking and started nodding is head, as if he was listening to something. Then he gasped and the light turned off and we started to spin again. Alright, now we have a 2/3 chance of it being me or Alice again. I'm sure whatever question Alice had will be explained to me after this ordeal.

Spin... Spin... Spin...

Joemama69 was lit up. Well, I guess it's all over now! He'll get his answer and dismiss this game.

"Hahaha... Bet you guys didn't expect not to be able to hear me either. That's alright... you'll be able to discuss after this question. How did-"

"I QUIT! I quit!! This game is over! You aren't going to ask your question, Joemama69!" Alice shouted. Did he just... sell me out? Am I going to get punished now because of him? A spotlight shone brightly upon Alice as he shouted, struggling to get out of his restraints.

"Fair enough. Alice, you may leave." Just like that, The restraints around Alice loosened and fell to the floor. He got up and walked to the door and left me behind. Was he... seriously going to leave me? After he left Joemama69 turned to me.

"It's time for your punishment." He mocked as he slowly walked torwards me, the clear noise-reducing walls ascending each step. "I'll be nice and give you an option."

Joemama69 was standing right in front of me. "Kai Satou... Will it be your turn to die?"

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