Chapter 8

229 8 1

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1 month later


An endless numbers of shoji doors, engawa and stairs can be seen in this unique yet unusual place. The doors, engawa and stairs are put in an unusual way. It is either up side down or side by side, spacious or narrow.


With a strung of that sound, all of the uppermoons have been gathered.

" The infinite fortress? " uppermoon 6, Daki, stood there with a confused face, " Onii-chan, what are we doing here? "

" A meeting perhaps? " Gyuutarou, the big brother and shares the same rank as uppermoon 6, guessed.

" HYO! Well,well, Daki-sama and Guutarou-sama. Dear me. You both seems to be looking well after these years. How've you been after ninety years? ", Uppermoon 5, Gyokko, greet and asked the siblings. " The mere possibility with the both of you dying made my heart leap with jo- *cough* *cough* made my heart cringe with pain! Hyo! Hyo! "

The siblings merely ignored him and mind their own business.

" This is quiet terrifying. Gyokko has forgotten how to count during our long absence. ", uppermoon 4, Hantengu, exclaimed. " We have'nt been called here for a hundred and thirteen years. An indivisible number. An unlucky number. An odd number!! Terrifying indeed..."

" Biwa woman, has Muzan-sama arrived yet? " uppermoon 3, Akaza, questioned the demon woman who brought them in the unusual place called the dimensional infinite fortress with the use of her blood demon art.

The biwa woman, named as Nakime, strung her biwa again and answered the question of uppermoon 3, " He has not arrived yet"

" Then where's uppermoon 1? There's no way he'd get killed. "

" Hold up, Hold up! Hold on a minute Akaza-dono! Aren't you gonna show some concern for me?" uppermoon 2, Douma, tried to grab uppermoon three's attention and swing his arm around Akaza's shoulder. " I was super worried about you guys! You're my precious buddies. I don't want aaaanyone here to wane out now."

" Hyo! Douma-dono..." Gyokko greeted Douma.

" Hey, hey! Long time no see gyokko. Is that a new pot? It's pretty. The pot you gave me is in my room. I planted a girl's decapitated head in it for decoration. " Douma also greeted back.

" You can't grow severed heads...but I like the idea."
" I know. You should come and visit next time " Douma invited.

" Move it" Akaza demanded

" Hm? " Douma hm, confused on what uppermoon 3 meant.

" Move you arm. " Akaza again demanded and caught the higher rank off guard by punching his jaw with much force to the point it bled and broke.

" EEEEP! "

" That was a strong one..." Daki mumbled.

" Whoaa. Hmmm, Nice punch there! Did you get a little stronger since we last met, Akaza-dono?" Douma regenerated his broken jaw and complimented Akaza who merely glanced at him with irritation and ignored him.

" Uppermoon 1 was the first to arrive. He has been here the whole time. " Nakime inquired.

Hearing this, Akaza's eyes widen and immediately looked towards the presence of the highest moon rank.

" here..." uppermoon 1, Kokushibo, acknowledge his presence. " Muzan-sama...has arrived..."

Upon those words, Muzan, the progenitor of demons, appeared.

Composed Of Both Good and Evil  ( A KNY and MDZS fanfic ) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum