Chapter 26

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Chinese - bold

Chinese thoughts - bold and italics

Flashback/Thoughts - Italic

" Zenitsu and Minjing are not coming."

" I'll consider those who have disappeared dead."


" Nie Huaisang, you coward! Come back here!"

Across the training field of the mighty Nie Sect, stood the one and only mighty sect leader of the said clan who had greatly decapitated one of Wen Rouhan's son during the siege. With his own saber tightly gripped by his large hand, his eyes furiously tries to search for his younger brother that ran away during their supposed training.

" Nie Huaisang! I'll seriously break your arm if you don't come Cut!"

Upon hearing his older brother's intimidating, booming voice, Nie Huaisang couldn't help but to flinch and cover his ears, body shaking in fear for his brother's wrath.

" I don't want to go back. Training is painful and too tiring! " he sobs to himself, tears threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes at the thought of a wooden saber hitting his body.

With a shudder, he took a peek from the barrel he managed to hid at and watched his older brother's dissappearing form. Luck may have been blessed onto him because he when he ran to the opposite direction, his older brother didn't notice him.

He ran towards the blanket of bamboo and trees to hide himself, whimpering and sobbing in fear as he did so. He calculated the distance from the training field and stop when he deemed it as safe.

Sitting down on the steep boulder that had managed to grow itself on the ground, he let out a sigh of relief and wiped off his sweat with his sleeves.

"  It's a good thing I managed to scoop up my garmets when I escaped from him. My poor body may have already been  bitten by bugs in here if I didn't."

He took out his fan and whips it back and forth to himself, calming down his breath as he leaned back and planted his hand on the rock beneath him.

" If only there's a way that I wouldn't be able to fight for the rest of my life."

" Should I paralyze your entire body then? "

A sharp scream left his lips as he jumped away from his spot, his foot tripping on a root sprouting from the ground which left him to stumble and fall on the ground.

" Who?! What?! "

His eyes stopped at the shaking form just in front of where he previously sat at. Muffled laughter left her lips as her ebony locks slid passed her shoulder when her form slightly bent forward to hold her aching stomach.

" Wei FengYing!? "

He shrieked, surprised at the sudden appearance of the said girl. Pink hues slightly dusted his cheeks as he picked himself up and finally stood on his feet.

" Ehem... Wha-what are you doing here?"

The female Wei ceased her laughter and finally composed herself, properly acknowledging her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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