[chapter fourty] blood in the water

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✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

All hell had broken loose.

I put the pieces all together, I figured it out- but a part of me wished I hadn't

My heart pounded out of my chest with every step I took, the small voice in the back of my head was taunting me. I let out the nogitsune and it was possessing Stiles. I did it. I just got my best friend killed.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase the lights above my head blew out, cutting all the power in the hospital and leaving the building in total darkness. It was all a part of his game, and I was losing badly.

Someone was going to die.

A large gust of wind smacked me in the face as I ran into the parking lot where the chaos was unfolding. Water sprayed everywhere, loose electric cables violently thrashed about in the air as screams erupted.

Cars swerved all over the place, desperately trying to avoid everything. It was hell, and I had set it free. I could hear voices screaming my name but everything felt muffled, quiet. Like everything was going the way it was supposed to and I had to watch it through my eyes. 

I was paralysed in fear, paralysed in panic at the realisation of what I had created. 

Any of the blood spilt would be on my hands.


I didn't know who said my name, I didn't care. As I glanced around at the crying people, screaming for help, I was taken back to the mistake I made. Opening the violet door was one of them, but being distracted by the boy I was just forced to drown in a sacrifice, that was another mistake. I let emotions get the best of me, I let them control me, distract me.

Love caused it.

The four letter cursed words did it.

My love for Stiles was too strong that it broke a magical barrier to a dark world that was never supposed to be opened. 


Isaac. He was somewhere, screaming my name.


Allison and Chris.

I didn't have time to find them because all of a sudden I was swept off my feet and thrown onto a patch of grass. With a grunt, I glanced over my shoulder. In front of me, Isaac fell to his knees as he was electrocuted in the water.

I was standing where he hell. That could've been me. That almost was me. I didn't realise I had frozen, that I had become so unaware of my surroundings that it had almost gotten myself killed.

Chris appeared at my side, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me from the ground. I thrashed about under his hold, trying to slip out to grab Isaac. He could die.

"CHRIS! LET ME GO!" I screamed.



I could see him, standing across the parking lot with a smirk on his face. Amusement swam in his eyes as he watched me slowly unravel in the arms of the man who was like my father. That was when I knew that the game wouldn't end without death and blood.

 And all of it would be on my hands.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

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