[chapter fourty eight] truth

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Aires pov...

I was in a facility for drug addicts in the hospital for twenty one days. The deal I made with Derek was that I would co-operate, I would try to get clean, but I couldn't be in the facility longer than twenty one days. Not when the Stiles situation was happening. Melissa switched specialities temporarily and was with me the entire time, giving me updates and helping me through the bitch that was withdrawal. 

Things got ugly fast. 

I was almost made to have an extension, they wanted me to stay for another sixty days, but I got my shit together and worked through it all. I was twenty one days clean. It wasn't as magical as I thought it would be, as magical as they described. 

The burning desire to do drugs was still in my mind, but I wasn't craving them as bad anymore- so there was what. 

Stiles had yet to be found. After the body he left, he left small other messages. Bodies, wrecks, blood written messages. Though nobody had been able to find him. It was putting me on edge. 

I had two days left until he came after me, I had two days left until I died.

Sat in the passenger seat of Lydia's car, I forced a smile onto my lips, pretending as if the world wasn't falling apart. Everyone knew of my addiction, everyone knew the ugly truth about me. 

"Are you okay?" Lydia whispered as her eyes briefly flickered to me.

"I'm okay." i hummed back with a nod.

As my eyes moved to meet the girls, Lydia quickly looked away, her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles had turned white. A deep frown pulled on my features as I narrowed my eyes on her.

"What are you hiding from me?" I demanded in a hushed murmur.

"What?" Lydia squeaked.

"Please." I rolled my eyes with a snort. "I can read you like a book, and right now you can't even look at me which means you're hiding something."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

"What's going on with you and Aiden?" Lydia mumbled, a poor attempt at trying to deflect the conversation, and I saw right through it.

"What's going on with you and Morgan?" I shot back, a knowing smile pulled onto my lips as I watched Lydia's cheeks flush a deep red.

But before I could tease her about it, something moved, and I caught a glimpse of it out the corner of my eye, causing a scream to erupt from my lips. Dread filled me as my trembling hands worked to remove the seatbelt that clung to my body.

Lydia had already made it out the car and was by Stiles' unconscious body, meanwhile I couldn't get my hands to stop fucking shaking. 

Ever since I was released from the hospital she had been in a frantic state of shakiness, coldness and overall panic. Malia had suggested for me buy a fur coat, to which i replied with an eye roll.

Nobody had found Stiles, until now. Somehow, I always ended up finding him.

I snatched my phone from my pocket and dialled the number of the first person I thought of.

"Aiden." I choked out in a trembling whisper.

I shouldn't have called him, but I was panicking

He was lying in front of me, my best friend- and the person who had wrapped their hands around my neck whilst they choked the life out of me. The person who chased me whilst taunting me, the person who wanted me dead and terrified me more than anyone else. 

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