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Currently, Oikawa was holding a mug of tea in his hand and he was watching you and your brother argue heatedly. While at the beginning, you both were talking rather normally with each other, you started to get louder and angrier every second, so that by now, you both were practically yelling at each other. In such situations, your parents would always quiet you both down by shouting at you guys to stop. Sometimes, your brothers would act unbothered by your parents, but you on the other hand would immediately stop, because you were afraid of them and because they were generally way more strict to you than they were with your brothers.

Right now, you were trying to explain to your brother that doing chores is not only a women's job and that every man should work as much in the household as a women should. Even though you made strong arguments that crushed your brother's claims, he still acted as if it was common sense that women were meant to stay home and take care of the household.

Slowly but surely you lost your temper and you started to do a lot of aggressive hand gestures.
"Why should women, who go to work just like MEN, do ALL the chores when they come back home!? I go to school just like you do, so why would you think that it is okay for you to just lay your lazy ass on the sofa, while I have to do all the work!?"

Your brother looked totally unconvinced by your arguments and answered in an arrogant tone.
"I don't know why you're even still arguing with me. It's just obvious that it is a women's job to do so. Even my mom agrees, right mom?"

Your mother had just entered the room to yell at you both for being too loud, but hearing your brother's question, she decided to answer.
"Yes, he is right (y/n). Would you want your brother to marry a woman who can't even cook? Or do you think anyone would want to marry you, if you didn't know how to cook?"

Your brother laughed you out upon seeing you struggling to keep you anger inside. You pointed your finger threateningly to your brothers face and spoke in a furious tone.

Just then, your mother who had enough of you arguing, interrupted.
"That's enough! You're going to be late for school, so get ready! Thanks to you, our morning has been hell today!"

Your brother who was not done making you angry added another comment.
"Yes (y/n)! You should try to focus on spending you energy for the chores you have to do after school!"

Oikawa was speechless at your brother's and mother's attitude. He really admired your patience and respect towards your mother.

You both took a longer path to school because you wanted to avoid other people. While you were walking, you were complaining about this morning's argument. Oikawa was listening intently and totally agreed with your reasonings.
"In what century do we live!? Do I have to be afraid that they will call me a witch someday and decide to drown or burn me!?"

Oikawa put his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, (y/n)-chan! I will protect you, if that should ever happen!"

Seeing that you're still upset and that you were in no mood for such jokes, he started to speak more seriously.
"All jokes aside, your family makes life very hard for you. I know that all the suppressed anger and sorrow is eating you up from inside and that you think that you have no other choice but to suppress your emotions. But I want you to know that I am by your side, (y/n)-chan! And by the way, I, without a doubt, would want to marry you, whether you can or cannot cook!"

While Oikawa said that last sentence, he smiled brightly and leaned a little closer to you. You didn't know how to respond and began to flush a little. You turned your face into the other direction and pushed his face away with your palm.

He might be by your side now, but for how long will it last? And if he had a choice, would he want to stay by your side? You couldn't stop these thoughts from entering your mind. How could you, though? You were used to being ignored, hated and used. Though, you had to admit, you felt valued when you were with Oikawa. You felt safe when you were with him and you felt comfort when he was by your side.

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