7| Grouse Mountain

296 19 171

A/N: This date is inspired by 00DeaTacita00 comments. Hope you're enjoying it. Haha.


"You…. Need to let go of me…", Sean pressed out in between kissing and breathing, whilst trying to unlock the door to their house. It was literally impossible to concentrate with Lana pressed against his body. "Come on.", He chuckled. "Neighbors can hear us and we already had to stop on the way because a certain someone couldn't wait until we were home.", Sean said with a grin, pushing Lana slightly away after a last long kiss, to open the door. 

"Don't make such a big deal out of the car quickie.", the woman said, rolling her eyes before going past him into the house, well aware of streaking over his body whilst doing so, which made Sean hold his breath for a second before being able to follow her. 

"I apologize for ever mentioning that you're not spontaneous. Is that what you want?", he laughed, closing the door before catching her from behind. 

Lana bit her lip, grinning into the distance. "Oh no… I know what I am capable of. Trust me.", she whispered with a raspy voice, turning herself in his arms to face him again. "And to be honest… right now I would enjoy the Jacuzzi with a glass of wine. What do you say?", She chuckled, already kissing his neck eagerly. 

"Anything you want.", Sean grinned, placing his hands underneath her butt to lift her up in pleasure. 

Unfortunately, he had to let her go soon after, realizing that they wanted to take some wine with them, so he searched for the best one in the house, before joining Lana in the little spa room they had. 

Let's say both of them didn't sleep much that night and surely wouldn't change anything about it. But despite their adventurous evening hours, they were surprisingly full of energy the next morning. 

Lana woke Sean with a few soft kisses, before going straight into the kitchen to make some breakfast. It felt so good to not even bother about getting dressed since it was only them in the house and with that knowledge she just wore some panties and one of Sean's shirts, which was once again an Outlawqueen one. 

When her boyfriend came down the stairs, he had to blink twice to make sure that he was really seeing her half-naked in the kitchen, which was a huge turn-on. He rubbed over his eyes once more and grinned to himself when it wasn't just a hallucination. 

"I swear that's the best morning view of all time.", he chuckled, laying his hands around her to lock them in front of her stomach, so she was cupped between his arms. His chin was resting on Lana's shoulder, so he could simply whisper into her ear. "Last night was really beautiful. We will do that more often from now on.", Sean chuckled. 

"Yeah, we should. It really was magical… and fun. I really didn't know you had that in you, Mr. Maguire. But it seems like you're in better shape than I thought.", she grinned. 

"Hey! If you want to believe it or not, I was the playboy in high school. What about you, Ms. Parrilla?" 

"I had purple hair and a lot of people were scared of me.", she grinned. "I may or may not have broken some arms and hearts. To be fair. I told everyone in advance to leave their fingers from my ass. Not my fault when they don't listen.", Lana chuckled. "I think we would have been a good team in high school. A shame that you were in England.", she said. 

"Right? It really is. But at least…", he said, letting one hand travel underneath her shirt. "At least we found each other now.", he grinned, turning her in his arms with his hands still remaining underneath the cotton. 

"What happened to the 'no-sex in the kitchen rule' ?"Lana asked, already out of breath, when Sean picked her up from the floor and crushed his lips against hers, exactly starting where they ended things last night. 

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