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A/N: This is probably one of the longest chapters in a loooong time... But I couldn't help myself. It's also a chapter I really enjoy to be fair. Haha. Have fun!

"What do you guys think?", Sean asked, standing in the middle of an empty house during the still warm LA sun, that was shining through some big modern glass windows, which brightened the room in a beautiful warm color.

The last two weeks passed for them quicker than they thought. Except for Lana, who was bored for life in the hospital but she promised to keep the baby safe and that's what she did.
Sean and the kids had packed up all their stuff in Vancouver with the help of lovely friends of the family, before driving all the way down to California again. Since Sean was basically on his own with the kids it felt like the longest journey in the world with thousands of toilet breaks since Amèlie was off the diapers and didn't even want to wear them for once and of course because of Lola and the other two, who needed to burn off some energy since all the snacks kind of sent them on a rush. The whole drive took them 5 days, since Sean didn't want to risk any accidents by him being too tired to drive, so they stayed at different hotels along the way to get proper rest.

Leaving Lana behind was the scariest thing in his life at that point but they simply hadn't had time to lose for finding a new house that they will call home for the rest of their lifes. They did discuss about staying in Canada until the baby was born but the main problem was that they couldn't call back the selling contract they had signed. They needed to be out of the house by the end of October, so Sean had to leave by himself with the kids, whilst all their packed boxes would be transferred by a company.

The only thing that calmed him down was the fact that Lana was pretty stable and was even improving since being in the hospital. Her blood pressure didn't reach any critical point since she arrived, so the resting process slowly showed a good impact on her and the baby.

After arriving in California they were back in their old home, with a lot of packed boxes and not so cozy environment, so Sean and the kids spend most of the time outside of the house, as well as going through all the potential homes Lana had picked out whilst being in hospital.

"It is... White...", Flynn said, turning once more around to have another look at the plain walls. The only thing that was already installed was a beautiful old-fashioned kitchen, made of nicely blue-colored wooden cabinets and a kitchen isles. It almost looked like Lana's previous one. It was the first house they visited that was completely empty and not furnished for most parts, but to be fair, the kids seemed to prefer this house over all the other ones they had seen since their imaginations already planned where to place all their toys and play areas.

Without another word and with Amèlie on his arm, Sean stepped outside into the wide garden with a pool and BBQ-area. They would even have the space to transfer the children's old sandpit, which was their favorite anyway but he had his doubts about getting this house ready in such a short amount of time. With another sigh, he turned to the backside, which was very beautiful indeed but his concerns still increased when thinking about decorating everything by himself since it would come with tons of work.

In the meantime his boys were doing the same, looking closely at every feature of the facade but in difference, to Sean, they saw their own little paradise right in front of them.

"This house will take some time... It hasn't got any furniture...", Sean spoke out the obvious, talking to his kids like they would actually understand the amount of work that would need to go into this building. "I don't think we can take it.", he confessed. "We only have 10 weeks left until the doctors wanna get your sister."

"But dad...", Leo said, pulling at his wrist, when he wanted to go back inside again.  "The other houses had... Very beautiful furniture but... It didn't feel like home.", he admitted.

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