2- Teenagers

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Season 12 x 2

Calliope and Dean are in the library of the bunker, Dean was talking to Castiel, checking in with him if he had gotten anywhere with finding Sam. Things had been a little awkward at the bunker the last day or so with Mary being back. Calliope and Dean were really unsure how to act around her, trying to be sensitive to the situation. They had decided to not be much like a couple, wanting Mary to ease in to the idea of her son being with a woman that she barely knew.

Calliope looked at Dean as he was talking to Castiel, "I haven't found anything on these surveillance cameras. I mean, it's like they just disappeared. How about you? Any of the local beat cops see anybody that shouldn't be there?" Dean asks Cass.

"It's pretty rural. Not a lot of 'beat cops'. I've checked all the motels, abandoned buildings. There's no sign of Sam" Castiel tells him.
"All right. I don't know, you know check real estate offices. See if anybody bought a place or rented a place. I mean, these people had a freakin' plane. Maybe they do things legit" Dean suggests to him.
"Okay. I understand. I'll call you in the morning" he tells him.
"Oh, Cass, hey. So, here's the thing. It's been kinda weird here, with, you know....Mom being back. It's like we don't know how to act around each other. So, we just kinda make this small talk and act normal. But it's so not normal" Dean tells him.
"I'm....I'm not sure. I understand it was awkward when Calliope came back from heaven." Castiel says to him.

"It was at first, but then we got right into dealing with the whole angels falling fiasco" Dean says to him.
"What...what has she said to either of you?" Castiel asks him.
"Well, nothing. I mean, that...that's the whole point" Dean tells him.
"Okay, well, what have you said to her?" Castiel asks.
"Well, nothing. I don't know what to say to her, you know. It's...it's like it's all just too much. And I don't want to overwhelm her. I mean, Callie and I don't even act like a couple around her, and we don't feel like it's appropriate" Dean tells him.

"Don't make things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do. I'll call you" Castiel says to him as he hangs up the call.
"Yeah" Dean says looking at his phone, "Great. That's helpful. Thanks"
"Well, Cass isn't the best person to go to for advice" Calliope says looking at Dean.

They then hear footsteps and see Mary coming up from downstairs, "Any news on Sam?" she asks them.
"So, uh, somewhere" Dean says going over to the laptop that was open on the map table, "here" he says offering her a chair to sit in. "Somewhere outside of Aldrich, Missouri. Cass is going through it with a fine-toothed comb" he says as the three of them sit down, Mary and Calliope in either side of Dean. "And Callie's cracked every database she could" Dean tells her.
"Every what?" Mary asks confused.
"Right. No internet the first time around" Dean says to her.
"Our house didn't have an electric typewriter" She says looking at him, "So, are you really afraid of overwhelming me?" Mary then says after a moment of silence.

He turns to look at her, "Mom, look, I am...thrilled that you're back. I mean, I am so damn happy I can't even stand it" he tells her.
She looks at him smiling, "I just....it's just gonna take me a second...to catch up, you know" she tells him.
"Yeah, I know, look, take.....take all the time you need. All right? It's...it is what it is" he tells her.
"And when we do find Sam...How am I gonna face him?" Mary then asks.
"What do you mean?" Dean asks her.
"That yellow-eyed thing would never have come for him that night, if I.." she pauses taking a deep breathe, "I started all of this" she tells them.

"We will get to that once we find him" Dean tells her.
"Yeah, umm listen, I don't want you two to think, you need to tiptoe around me with your relationship. Calliope I know I've only gotten to know you these past two days, but I can tell with the way you two look at one another, that you really care about each other. I know this is probably strange, but please don't stop being a couple because of me" Mary then says to the two of them.
"Thanks Mom" Dean says as he then takes Calliope's hand in his, "she means the world to me, and I'm glad you can see that"

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