5-Missed All The Psycho

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Later that afternoon, they had changed into their normal clothes, and Dean had parked the Impala, off a side road. They get out of the car, and head to the trunk, Dean opening it up, as they start reaching in getting out what they believed they needed, "All right, we clear on what we got to do, right?" Dean asks as he takes his pistol out, and Sam takes out the EMF reader.

"Yeah, definitely" Sam says to him.
"What's that for?" Dean asks seeing the reader in Sam's hand.
"To track down Magda's ghost. What's—" Sam starts to ask about the gun.
"Beth, the witch" he tells Sam.
"Dean, this isn't a witch" Sam says.

"It's not a ghost" Dean says.
"Those people let their daughter die. She's angry, and wants revenge" Sam says to him.
"Yeah, but they're alive. Besides, how'd she get around town, huh? Ghosts are tied to one place" Dean asks him.
"Or to a person, or to a thing" Sam says back.
"You're reaching here" Dean says to him

"And you're not? Beth didn't even know the delivery boy" Sam says to him.
"Maybe, maybe not. But I'm gonna find out" Dean says to him.
Calliope sighs, "Dean, listen to Sam, you weren't there, you didn't spend time with that woman, she is disturbed, she believed her daughter dying was God's plan, and we've met God, so I doubt that is true" she says to him.

"The family's weird, but they're good people. Beth wanted the better job, she killed to get it. End of story
"You're wrong" Sam then says to Dean.
"Look, you got your ideas, I got mine, and you, I can't believe you're taking Sam's side on this" Dean says to her.

"Dean, I'm not....I'm not taking sides okay, I just....I don't think it's Beth" Calliope says to him.
"Fine you two wanna stay here and scan the farm for EMF, you go right ahead. I'm on Beth" Dean says.
"Fine, we'll see who's right" Sam then says.

"Well, we'll see I'm right" Dean says as he closes the trunk of the Impala. Calliope sighs as she looks between both brothers, "You staying with Sam, or coming with me?" Dean then asks her.
"Honestly Dean, I am staying with Sam, I believe there is something wrong with this family, I can tell" she says to him.
"Fine...fine" he says a little anger in his voice.

"Dean" she sighs looking at him, "I'm sorry but I need to go with my gut on this, if you get into trouble with Beth, call okay" she says as she goes up to him, and hugs him.

Later that night Sam and Calliope sneak onto the property and begin to look around, Sam holding the EMF reader out, as Calliope points the flashlight around. They weren't getting many hits on the EMF, when they hear a creaking noise. Quickly Calliope turns the flashlight off, as they hear footsteps approaching, they find a horse stall, and hide inside. They hear movement in the barn, and it gets close to them, as they then hear more footsteps, "Elijah?" they hear Abraham saying.

"Mom's with Magda" they hear Elijah respond and they both share a confused look.
"Your mother's doing God's work" Abraham tells his son.
"She's hurting her" Elijah tells him.
"Son, the devil's a deceiver. Don't let him sow doubt in you. If anyone found out about Magda, they'd come for her" Abraham says as the footsteps come right up to the horse stall they were in, and Sam holds Calliope close to him, trying to keep themselves hidden in the dark corner. Abraham hangs a bucket of feed, and walks away not seeing them. "And if that happened...I love your sister, but you know what she can do. Magda....Magda's our cross to bear" they hear Abraham say, as they hear the footsteps moving away.

Calliope takes a peak to see if the men are gone, and sighs seeing they had left the barn. Quietly her and Sam stand back up, trying to not disturb the horse and it began to eat its feed. Sam slides the door open, and they walk out of the stall, closing it behind them. Calliope reaches in her pocket to take out her phone to call Dean, and sees that there is no signal, she shows Sam. Sam takes his phone out and gets the same result, and they both sigh, as they continue to look around the property.

Trust Me(Book 3) A Supernatural StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz