4- Shooting Her

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Season 12 x 4

It had been a few days since Mary had left the bunker, Dean still worried about her. Calliope had managed to find them a very strange case, to keep the boys occupied. Dean and Sam had decided to pretend to be priests in order to get some information, while Calliope stayed back in the car.

Sam and Dean enter the church walking through the pews as they head toward the sanctuary of the church, "Father Valdecantos" Sam calls out getting the Father's attention. "Father Penn of this Dubuque Archdiocese, This is..."

"Father De Niro" Dean says, as the Father walks over to them.
"We're here to talk about Olivia Sanchez" Sam says to him.

He looks at the both of them, "I'm not talking about that anymore" he says as he starts to walk away from them.
"You sure were chatty with the press and the cops" Dean says getting his attention back, "'Priest claims demons walk among us' Boy, that's quite the headline grabber"

"I said I'm not talking about that" Valdecantos says to them.
"No, we heard you. Don't care" Dean says to him.
"You'll think I'm lying, like my bishop, like everyone. But I knew Olivia. She was a good person. I watched her get flayed alive by some invisible force. That was the devil's work. I've been told the church doesn't want us talking like that anymore, too old-fashioned, but I know what I saw" Valdescantos explains to them.
"You see any black smoke?" Dean asks.

"What?" he asks him.
"We don't think you're lying. We just want to ask you a few questions, that's all" Sam says to him.
"Um...no. No, smoke" he answers them.
"What about sulfur? Did you smell rotten eggs?" Dean asks.
"No" he says to them.

"You told people that she was speaking in tongues?" Sam asks him.
"Yes. It sounded like Hebrew" he says as he says the words that she had spoken.
"Sounds more like Aramaic than Hebrew" Sam says to Dean.
"Hmm" Dean mumbles.
"What kind of priests are you?" Valdescantos then asks them.
"The old-fashioned kind" Dean says walking away.
"Thanks" Sam says as he goes to join Dean.

"So, no sulfur means no demon, you think the Padre's right?" Dean asks Sam, "Talking about Lucifer here?"
"Small time for him. I don't know, maybe a rogue angel?" Sam asks, as they head to the exit of the church. Dean stops as he watches a boy light a candle with his mother, "Dean?" Sam says getting his brothers attention.
"Yeah, no Callie would probably pick up on an angel, but I will make the call" Dean says as they leave the church.

Dean and Sam walk up to the Impala, seeing Calliope leaning against it, "So, demons?" she asks them.
"No, no signs of them, thought maybe a rogue angel?" Sam says to her.
"I don't really sense any kind of angels around though" Calliope says.
"Yeah, that's why I am going to call Cass" Dean tells her as he steps away and makes the call.
"Let's go grab some coffee while we wait" Sam says to her.
"Yeah, yeah" Calliope agrees, as they walk over to a nearby food truck.

"So, uh, how is Dean doing?" Sam asks her as they head over.
"He is trying, Sam, really trying to understand why Mary left" she says to him.
"Yeah, I am too, but I mean, I had a feeling she felt like she didn't belong here" Sam says as they get to the truck, and he orders the drinks.

"I honestly know how she is feeling, I mean, part of me felt like leaving after I came back, but you know I got dragged into a whole mess when I got back" she says to him.
"Yeah, you really did, didn't you?" Sam says to her.
"I always wondered though, what if I hadn't come back, would Amara had brought me back to Dean instead of Mary?" Calliope asks him.
"Guess we won't know, will we. I am glad you are here Calliope, I mean, Dean really needed you back in his life" he tells her.

"I've always been glad to be back" she smiles at him, as they take their coffees and head back over toward Dean. Sam takes the tablet out as they do, looking up the words that the priest had told them.

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