12- Watching Myself On Netflix

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Season 12 x 11

Dean was running through the woods at night, chasing down a man, he could hear Calliope coming behind him, as they had left the bar together. Calliope catches up to Dean, and they both come across the man, who was leaning against a tree, holding his gun out he slowly approaches him, "You people never learn, do you? Always trying to run". Just then the man moves to the side, and Dean sees that he had carved a symbol into the tree, it lights up purple, and he pulls Calliope behind him, protecting her. The man shouts a spell at the two of them, and Dean takes the hit from the spell, and he knocks into Calliope, sending both of them to ground, passing out.

Dean slowly starts to come too, seeing that he was laying on the ground in a wooded area

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Dean slowly starts to come too, seeing that he was laying on the ground in a wooded area. He looks down to see a bunny munching on grass beside him, and he picks it up, "Hey, buddy" he says to the bunny, as he lets it go. He hears groaning beside him, and sees Calliope laying there, "Hey, hey" he says to her, as she starts to come too.

"What the hell happened?" Calliope asks Dean.
"No freaking clue" he says, as he helps her stand up, he then takes out his cell and sees that it's broken, and shows Calliope.
Calliope reaches into her pocket, and takes her cell out, seeing that it was thankfully still in tact, "Told you, you needed a protective cover on your phone" she sighs, as she then calls Sam.

"Hello?" Sam answers.
"Sam, thank god" Calliope says.
"Where the hell have you two been?" he says to her.
"Umm, well I'm with Dean, and we're aren't really sure" she says looking around.
"Well, where are you two now?" he asks.

She looks over at Dean who shrugs, "Not entirely sure about that either, we were somewhere last night, and just kind woke up in the bushes" she says as Dean then taps her arm and points to a restaurant sign, "Dean's hungry, meet us at Waldo's, we're gonna get some waffles" she says as she ends the call.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Dean then asks Calliope, as they head toward the restaurant.
"Not really, I mean, we did drink a lot at the bar" she tells him.
"What bar?" he then asks her.
"Okay, there's no way, you're that hung over" she says to him.

Dean and Calliope sit on the stools at the counter, having ordered some waffles while they wait for Sam to meet them. As they sit there, they see Sam approaching them, "Did you bring the uh?" Dean asks him pointing to his head.

Sam pulls out a small bottle of pills and tosses them to Dean, "Thanks" Dean says.
"Rough night?" Sam asks them.
"Rough morning" Dean tells him, as he pops a couple pills, and downs them with coffee.

"What happened? I mean, you two just went out to get some food" Sam asks them.
"Honestly Sam, we have no idea" Calliope tells him, as she starts eating her waffles.
"What does that mean?" Sam asks them.
"Guess, we blacked out" Dean tells him, "And judging from this hangover, it was epic"

"Calliope, you don't black out" Sam says to her.
"I guess, I let my guard down last night, and got a little wasted" she tells him.
"Well, I tired to call you" Sam then says to Dean.
"Oh" Dean says showing him his damaged phone, "Not sure how that happened"

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