22- Legacy

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Dean and Calliope sit at the tabletop, of the diner, Dean ordering himself a burger, "You gonna get anything?" Dean asks Calliope.
"No, I'll just eat the fries from your plate" she smiles at him.

Once he gets the food, he opens the ketchup bottle, and begins to pour lots of ketchup on his burger as they hear the door open, and Calliope sees Sam walking in, "Seriously? Dean? After what we just saw, how can you eat?" Sam says to his brother as he sits down on the stool beside Dean.

"Grow up, Sam, okay? Burger is beef, bacon's pig, Soylent Green is people. But this..." Dean takes a deep breathe, "this is heaven" he says about the burger, as he takes a big bite of it.
"Right. Um, so, uh, what's the word? You two find anything?" Sam then asks them.

"Yeah, kind of" Dean says.
"It's rude to talk with food in your mouth" Calliope says looking at Dean, "We cross-referenced the names of all the people that have gone missing with the employee list of Billhook Meats" she tells Sam.

"And? Any more of the vics work at the plant?" Sam asks her, as Calliope takes a fry off Dean's plate.
"Try all of 'em" Dean tells Sam.
"All of 'em?" Sam questions.
"Every single one" Calliope tells him.

"Seriously. So, I guess that means, safe to say that, uh, Black Bill is definitely connected to the plant?" Sam then says to them.
"Yeah" Dean says to him, "Or the family that runs it. Or both. Well, maybe they just run an evil petting zoo on the side"
"So, what did you find?" Calliope asks Sam as she eats some more fries.

"So, I, uh, spent some time at the Hall of Records. The Bishops founded Tomahawk. Everything. This was a company town. If you lived her, you worked at the plant. The Bishops owned all the houses, all the businesses. Or they did until a few years ago. Looks like the Sheriff has been selling off all their family property. Everything, really except for the plant and the family estate" Sam explains, as he shows them pictures of the family estate.

"Wow, so, he lives at the Addams Family house" Dean comments.
Just then Sam's cell beeps and he takes it out, "It's Mick" he tells Calliope and Dean.
"Okay, tell him we're cool" Dean tells Sam.
"So, checking out creepy house then?" Calliope suggests to the boys.
"Creepy house" Dean agrees.

Once Dean and Calliope finished eating Dean's meal, the three of them head off, Dean driving up to the estate. "Looks empty" Calliope says noticing that there were no lights on, and no cars parked anywhere.

"Let's check inside, maybe we'll get lucky" Dean says as he pulls the car around, parking on a side street. The three of them head up to the house, Calliope using her powers to get inside, and they turn on their flashlights, and begin to look around. Furniture had been covered up , and the place seemed to be empty. Dean, Calliope and Sam, all go separate ways in the house, looking for anything, when Calliope pushes opens the door to one room, and sees another door, with a bunch of locks on it, "Boys, I'd say we just got lucky" she calls out, and both brothers come over to see what she had found.

"Wow" Dean comments as he sees all the locks.
"So, we unlock this my way or the old fashioned way?" Calliope says smiling at the boys, as they both smile back at her, and she just uses her powers to unlock each one.

Once the door is unlocked, Sam opens it up, and it eerily creaks, as they see the set of stairs leading into a darkened room, "Hello?" Dean calls out, "Goat dude" he then says, and Calliope looks at him, "What?" he whispers to her.

The three of them then quietly and slowly make their way down the stairs, their flashlights and guns out in front of them, as they get to the bottom. As they go to step off the last step, Sam sees a light switch and flicks it, lights turning on, and then the one before them explodes. Dean automatically reacts, raising the Colt at it. After realizing there was no one in there, the three of them step into the room, and begin to see all sorts of torture devices around the room.

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