9-He Left

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Season 12 x 8

It had been a few weeks after they had faced Lucifer, and they had been trying to follow every clue and trail of Lucifer that was out there. They had been able to pick up on a body that had been discovered with the man's eyes being brunt out. Dean, Sam and Calliope arrive at the morgue, and get their badges out to show the coroner, "Your colleagues are already inside" the coroner tells them, and they share a look. As they walk past him, and they look inside the morgue room, they see Castiel and Crowley already inside standing by the covered-up body.

"Agents" Crowley and Castiel say to the three of them.
"Okay, this has gotta stop. All right?" Dean says to them, "Give me that" he reaches over taking the fake badge off Crowley's suit.
"Armani!" Crowley says to him.

"Okay, enough" Sam then says, "let's have a look" he adds as he pulls the sheet back, allowing them to see the dead body, the man's eyes completely burned out.
"Ooh, looks like somebody forgot to put on his sunscreen." Dean remarks and Calliope nudges him, indicating that he shouldn't have said that.

"This was Wallace Parker, the very powerful CEO of almost everything" Castiel tells them.
"And apparently, Lucifer's latest vessel. Wasn't strong enough to hold him" Sam says covering the body back up.
"Lucifer's not content with sluttin it from one random vessel to the next. He's moving on to blue chips. Celebrities, captains of industry. He just got a lot more dangerous" Crowley says to them.
"I agree with Agent Zappa" Castiel says.
"Will you stop" Dean then says annoyance in his voice.

Back at the bunker, Sam starts looking into Crowley's theory about who Lucifer was picking as his vessels. Dean and Calliope came back in the library with a few beers, Dean passing one to Sam, "So, find anything? Anyone powerful or respectable who suddenly changed or exploded?" Dean asks as he and Calliope sit down across from Sam.

"Well, this is pretty interesting. This is the Archbishop of St. Louis with Wallace Parker" Sam says, spinning his laptop around to show them the picture.
"So?" Dean asks him, wondering why it was interesting.

"So, that was him three days ago. And this..." Sam says as he scrolls through the pictures to one where the Archbishop doesn't looked pleased at all in the picture, and was no longer wearing his cross, "at the opening of a food kitchen. Notice anything missing?" Sam asks them.

Dean scrolls back through the pictures, then goes back to the one at the soup kitchen, "Yeah, the big mother of a cross around his neck"Are you
"Exactly. And this morning, his office canceled all further public appearances without comment" Sam says.
"Okay, so, then let me guess, Lucifer blasted out of Parker, and then went into his buddy the archbishop here" Calliope says to Sam.

"Worth a shot" Sam says to her.
"Let's go" Calliope says as the three of them take sips of their beers then get ready to head out.

Night had fallen, and it had begun to thunderstorm out, as Dean pulled the Impala up to the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The three of them step out of the car, and rush under the yawning out of the rain, "is it just me or does it seem rather quiet" Calliope says to the boys.

"Yeah" Sam replies, "I put in a dozen calls to the Chief of Staff. No one returned"
"Well, we'll have a look around, if it is Lucifer, we'll call the rest of the Scooby Gang" Dean says.
"Hey" Sam then says, showing them that he was pressing the intercom button and nothing was happening, "Great" he says to them.

Dean then knocks on the door, as Sam pulls on the door handle, and it seems to be locked. Calliope unlocks the door, and the three of them enter with their flashlights on, looking around.  Sam flicks the light switch inside the door and nothing happens, as they make their way to the next room. Looking around they see that there seemed to have been some type of struggle, and they spot a body on the ground, "Father, hey, what happened" Dean rushes over to the man.

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